Section: Overall Objectives


  • In the collaboration with the DynBio team of CNRS LEGOS at Toulouse (UMR 5566), and during the HIRESUBCOLOR contract which is ending in 2011, nonlinear methods for the generation of ocean dynamics from remote sensing have been introduced. They consist in evaluating the cascading properties of physical variables associated to turbulent flows through optimal wavelets and propagate information about the dynamics acquired at low resolution up to higher resolution. H. Yahia has been invited to the AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall meeting in San Francisco to make a presentation of HIRESUBCOLOR results (December 5-9 2011), and to the EGU meeting to be held in Vienna in 2012. These methods are generic, and can be applied to the determination of high resolution information for ocean/atmosphere interaction. For that matter, the Oceanflux proposal has been submitted and accepted, starting November 1, 2011, and a new proposal called MULTICARO will be submitted to CNES-OSTST in 2012.