Section: New Results

New upwelling indices from complex system methods

Participants : Hussein Yahia, Ayoub Tamim, Khalid Minaoui, Driss Aboutajdine, Véronique Garçon, Joel Sudre.

We started the Volubilis project on the study of upwelling in the Moroccan coast by satellite imaging. A Ph.D. student, Ayoub Tamim, was recruited in January 2011. We organized the kick-off meeting of the project in Rabat from June 6 to June 10 with the presence of all partners (INRIA, LEGOS, FSR and CRTS). A. Tamim implemented a new version of the software CRTS is using to compute an upwelling index. He then joined GEOSTAT (from September 5 to December 15, 2011) where he first constituted a small validation database of SST and Chlorophyll images. He then implemented some algorithms such as Morand index and multiscale entropy. The goal being to define in a first step a coarse segmentation of upwelling regions.