The Graal project-team is common to CNRS, ENS Lyon, UCBL, and INRIA. This team is part of the Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallélisme (LIP), UMR ENS Lyon/CNRS/INRIA/UCBL 5668. The team has been located in part at the École normale supérieure de Lyon and in part at the Université Claude Bernard – Lyon 1.
Section: Members
Research Scientists
Frédéric Desprez [Senior Researcher (DR), HdR]Gilles Fedak [Junior Researcher (CR)]
Jean-Yves L'Excellent [Junior Researcher (CR)]
Loris Marchal [Junior Researcher (CR)]
Christian Pérez [Senior Researcher (DR), HdR]
Bora Uçar [Junior Researcher (CR)]
Frédéric Vivien [Team Leader, Senior Researcher (DR), HdR]
Faculty Members
Anne Benoit [Associate Professor (MCF), IUF junior member, HdR]Yves Caniou [Associate Professor (MCF)]
Eddy Caron [Associate Professor (MCF), HdR]
Yves Robert [Professor, IUF senior member, HdR]
External Collaborators
Alexandru Dobrila [PhD student, MENRT grant]Jean-Marc Nicod [Professor, HdR]
Laurent Philippe [Professor, HdR]
Lamiel Toch [PhD student, MENRT grant]
Technical Staff
Daniel Balouek [Since February 1, 2011]Nicolas Bard [Until July 31, 2011]
Florent Chuffart
Haiwu He [Until November 30, 2011]
Guillaume Joslin [Until October 11, 2011]
José Francisco Saray Villamizar
PhD Students
Guillaume Aupy [Since October 1, 2011]Fanny Dufossé [ENS grant]
Maurice Djibril Faye [Joint PhD with the University Gaston Berger, St Louis, Sénégal; UGB grant, CMIRA grant, and LIP grant]
Sylvain Gault [INRIA grant]
Cristian Klein [INRIA grant]
Mathias Jacquelin [MENRT grant, until September 30, 2011]
Georges Markomanolis [INRIA Cordi-S grant]
Adrian Muresan [MENRT grant]
Vincent Pichon [CIFRE EDF R&D grant]
Paul Renaud-Goud [MENRT grant]
Clément Rezvoy [INRIA and LIP grants, until September 30, 2010]
Mohamed Sid-Lakhdar [MENRT grant, Since October 1, 2011]
Anthony Simonet [INRIA grant, Since November 2, 2011]
Dounia Zaidouni [ANR grant, Since October 1, 2011]
Post-Doctoral Fellows
Julien BigotMarin Bougeret [Until August 31, 2011]
Simon Delamare
Amina Guermouche [Since December 12, 2011]
Johannes Langguth [Since October 1, 2011]
Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas [Since September 19, 2011]
Mark Stillwell
Bing Tang [Since April 15, 2011]