Section: Dissemination

Scientific Missions

Scheduling in Aussois, IV

The GRAAL project at École normale supérieure de Lyon organized a workshop in Aussois, France on May 30-June 1, 2011. The workshop focused on scheduling for large-scale systems and on scientific computing. This was the sixth edition of this workshop series, after Aussois in August 2004, San Diego in November 2005, Aussois in May 2008, Knoxville in May 2009 and Aussois in June 2010. The next workshop will be held in Pittsburgh in June 2012.

Anne Benoit

was a member of the PhD defense committee of Alexandru Dobrila (Besançon, examinateur).

Frédéric Desprez

was a member of the following PhD defense committees: Ketan Maheshwari (Nice University, examinateur), Pedro Velho (Grenoble, examinateur, président), Guilherme Koslovski (ENS Lyon, examinateur), Pierre Riteau (Rennes University, rapporteur), Diana Moise (ENS Cachan, rapporteur).

Frédéric Desprez was a member of the ANR committee SIMI 2 – Science informatique et applications (“Blanc” et “Jeunes chercheuses et jeunes chercheurs”), and “Appel Blanc international'.'

Gilles Fedak

was a member of the following PhD defense committe : Fei Teng (Ecole Centrale Paris, examinateur). Gilles Fedak was project evaluator International Open Call (Appel Blanc International). He was an expert for the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).

Loris Marchal

was a member of the PhD defense committee of Sékou Diakité (Besançon, examinateur).

Christian Pérez

was a member of the following PhD defense committees: Carlos Hermán Rojas (Grenoble University, rapporteur), Alexandra Carpen-Amarie (ENS Cachan, rapporteur, président), Marcela Rivera (Nice University, rapporteur), and Baptiste Poirriez (Rennes University, examinateur).

Frédéric Vivien

was a member of the following PhD defense committees: Abir Benabid (Université Paris 6, rapporteur), Amina Guermouche (Université Paris Sud, examinateur).

Frédéric Vivien was a member of the AERES committee for the evaluation of the FEMTO-ST laboratory, Besançon, France.