Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 Projects

  • Title: Building service testbeds on FIRE BonFIRE


  • Defi: Future Internet Experimental Facility and Experimentally-driven Research

  • Instrument: Integrated Project (IP)

  • Duration: June 2010 - November 2013

  • Coordinator: ATOS Origin (Spain)

  • Others partners: ATOS (coordinator, Spain), EPCC (UK), SAP (Germany), USTUTT (Germany), FRAUNHOFER (Germany), IBBT (Belgium), UCM (Spain), I2CAT (Spain), HP (UK), 451G (UK), TUB (Germany), IT-Innovation (UK), INRIA.

  • See also: http://www.bonfire-project.eu/

  • Abstract: BonFIRE will design, build and operate a multi-site Cloud prototype FIRE facility to support research across applications, services and systems at all stages of the R&D lifecycle, targeting the services research community on Future Internet. The BonFIRE vision is to give researchers in these areas access to a facility that supports large scale multi- disciplinary experimentation of their systems and applications addressing all aspects of research across all layers. We will develop and support a framework which allows service-based computing practitioners to experiment with their latest ideas in service orientation and distributed computing. We have elaborated 3 usage scenarios. Our overall goal is to encourage new communities of experimenters to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the FIRE infrastructure to guide the development of the Future Internet from a service-based applications standpoint. The facility will be demand-driven, open, standards-based and dynamic. It will provide additional functionality to that currently available. It will adopt the principle of "open coordinated federation of testbeds" and will provide innovative usage scenarios. We will stimulate research through 2 open calls to establish a methodology of experimentally driven research. The facility shall be open not only to the researchers selected and funded by BonFIRE through the open calls but also to a wider researcher community in order to encourage the usage and involvement of a significant number of end users.

  • Title: EDGI: European Desktop Grid Initiative

  • Type: CAPACITIES (Infrastructures)


  • Duration: June 2010 - May 2012

  • Coordinator: MTA SZTAKI (Hungary)

  • Others partners: CIEMAT, ES; Fundecyt, ES; University of Westminster, UK; Cardiff University, UK; University of Coimbra, PT; CNRS, FR, AlmerGrid, NL

  • See also: http://edgi-project.eu/

  • Abstract: The project EDGI will develop middleware that consolidates the results achieved in the EDGeS project concerning the extension of Service Grids with Desktop Grids in order to support EGI and NGI user communities that are heavy users of DCIs and require extremely large number of CPUs and cores. EDGI will go beyond existing DCIs that are typically cluster Grids and supercomputer Grids, and will extend them with public and institutional Desktop Grids and Clouds. EDGI will integrate software components of ARC, gLite, Unicore, BOINC, XWHEP, 3G Bridge, and Cloud middleware such as OpenNebula and Eucalyptus into SG→DG→Cloud platforms for service provision and as a result EDGI will extend ARC, gLite and Unicore Grids with volunteer and institutional DG systems. Our partners in EDGI are : SZTAKI, INRIA, CIEMAT, Fundecyt, University of Westminster, Cardiff University, University of Coimbra. In this project, G. Fedak is the INRIA representative and lead the JRA2 work package which is responsible for providing QoS to Desktop Grids.

  • Title: PRACE – Second Implementation Phase Project

  • Type: Integrated Infrastructure Initiative Project (I3)

  • Instrument: Combination of Collaborative projects and Coordination and support action

  • Duration: September 2011 - August 2013

  • Coordinator: Thomas Lippert (Germany)

  • Others partners: Jülich GmbH, GCS, GENCI, EPSRC, BSC, CSC, ETHZ, NCF, JKU, Vetenskapsradet, CINECA, PSNC, SIGMA, GRNET, UC-LCA, NUI Galway, UYBHM, CaSToRC, NCSA, Technical Univ. of Ostrava, IPB, NIIF

  • See also: http://prace-ri.eu

  • Abstract: The purpose of the PRACE RI is to provide a sustainable high-quality infrastructure for Europe that can meet the most demanding needs of European HPC user communities through the provision of user access to the most powerful HPC systems available worldwide at any given time. In tandem with access to Tier-0 systems, the PRACE-2IP project will foster the coordination between national HPC resources (Tier-1 systems) to best meet the needs of the European HPC user community. To ensure that European scientific and engineering communities have access to leading edge supercomputers in the future, the PRACE-2IP project evaluates novel architectures, technologies, systems, and software. Optimizing and scaling of application for Tier-0 and Tier-1 systems is a core service of PRACE.

Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7

  • Program: ERCIM WG

  • Project acronym: CoreGRID

  • Project title: ERCIM WG CoreGRID

  • Duration: Sept. 2009 - Dec. 2012

  • Coordinator: Frédéric Desprez

  • Other partners: Many partners from several european countries

  • Abstract: Following the success of the NoE CoreGRID, an ERCIM WG was started in 2009, leaded by F. Desprez. This working group gathers 31 research teams from all over Europe working on Grids, service oriented architectures and Clouds.

    A workshop on Grids, Clouds, and P2P Computing was organized in conjunction with EuroPAR 2011, Bordeaux, August, 2011.