Section: Software


MPICPL (MPI CouPLing) is a software library dedicated to the coupling of parallel legacy codes, that are based on the well-known MPI standard. It proposes a lightweight and comprehensive programing interface that simplifies the coupling of several MPI codes (2, 3 or more). MPICPL facilitates the deployment of these codes thanks to the mpicplrun tool and it interconnects them automatically through standard MPI inter-communicators. Moreover, it generates the universe communicator, that merges the world communicators of all coupled-codes. The coupling infrastructure is described by a simple XML file, that is just loaded by the mpicplrun tool. Future releases will incorporate new features for checkpoint/restart and dynamic parallel code connection.

MPICPL was developed by the Inria HiePACS project-team for the purpose of the ANR CIS NOSSI. It uses advanced features of MPI2 standard. The framework is publicy available at Inria Gforge: http://mpicpl.gforge.inria.fr .