Section: Overall Objectives


  1. Organization of MobiHoc 2011, the Twelfth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking. The HIPERCOM project contributed to the great success of this international conference held in Paris in May 2011. Philippe Jacquet served as General Chair, Christine Anocq as Local Arrangement Co-chair, Thomas Clausen as Finance Co-chair, Paul Muhlethaler, Anis Laouiti and Pascale Minet as Workshop Co-chairs, Emmanuel Baccelli as Registration Chair, Cédric Adjih as Web Chair.

  2. Contribution to the OCARI shows. Pascale Minet, Cédric Adjih, Ichrak Amdouni and Ridha Soua were active contributors as well as LIMOS, TELIT and EDF to the two OCARI shows organized by EDF. The fist one in September was given for EDF executives. The second one in December was larger. Invited people came from government agencies and industries. The goal was to prove the feasibility of an OCARI wireless sensor network in industrial environments, focusing on time constrained traffic and energy efficiency.

  3. , Habilitation à Diriger des recherches. Aline carneiro Viana got her HDR entitled Putting data delivery into context: Design and evaluation of adaptive networking support for successful communication in wireless self-organizing networks from UPMC-Sorbonne University on the 14th December 2011.