Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

SensLab and FIT

Participants : Cédric Adjih, Emmanuel Baccelli, Ala Eddin Weslati.

Period: 2011 - 2021

Partners: INRIA (Lille, Sophia-Antipolis, Grenoble), INSA, UPMC, Institut Télécom Paris, Institut Télécom Evry, LSIIT Strasbourg.

The HIPERCOM team started the development of a testbed for SensLab in 2010. This testbed located in building 21 at Rocqquencourt INRIA center consists now of 40 wireless SensLab nodes. This number will reach 128 nodes by the end of the year 2012.

A location has been found for the new testbed of the EQUIPEX FIT: the basement of building 1 at Rocquencourt. An engineer has been recruited for this project.