Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
INRIA International Partners
SIMS, Canada
Participants : Michael Döhler, Laurent Mevel.
A new project called SIMS is currently ongoing on vibration analysis and monitoring in Canada. This project is funded by Ministry of Transport, British Columbia, Canada. It implies deep collaboration with University of British Columbia, Canada. This project has connexions with partners of IRIS project, including University of Tokyo, Japan.
Collaboration on damage localization and monitoring with Boston University
Participants : Michael Döhler, Laurent Mevel, Luciano Marin.
This collaboration involves a new PhD student, Luciano Marin, and is involving Professor Bernal from University of Boston, USA. Professor Bernal visited us for one week in 2010.
Visits of International Scientists
D. Bernal of Northeastern University, Boston visited us in October 2011.
H. Vollesen was 6 months in 2011 in I4S during the ISMS project.