Section: Scientific Foundations

3D User interfaces

The IPARLA project-team conceives, develops, and evaluates user interfaces dedicated to 3D interaction tasks (3D UIs). This research topic is at the frontier between Computer Graphics (CG) and Human-Computer-Interaction (HCI), with a strong link to Virtual Reality (VR). Our objective is to design 3D UIs that favor the mobility of users, from small mobile devices to large, immersive environments. In this large spectrum, touch-screens are currently of special interest for us. Our activities in the scope of interaction follow three main research directions.

The first one, directly linked to the initial focus of the IPARLA project-team, is about 3D UIs for mobile devices. We have continued to address the challenge of improving 3D interaction on mobile devices with the final goal of favoring the use of 3D applications in mobile setups.

The second one has emerged from tactile interaction on mobile devices, but with a wider spectrum. It concerns [multi-]touch 3D interaction. Whereas many interfaces have been proposed to enhance tactile interaction in 2D spatial contexts, very little work addresses 3D interaction. Consequently, standard keyboard/mouse based 3D UIs need to be reinvented. We have focused on this new challenging goal, in particular within the ANR InSTInCT project.

Finally, we explore immersive interfaces for virtual reality, in particular in the scope of music. Beyond music, we are also interested in immersive interaction for cultural heritage. e.g. for reassembling virtual fragments of objects in a fast and easy way. We particularly strive to merge efficient user interaction and powerful geometry-driven matching algorithms.

All this work contributes to the general quest of enhancing 3D interaction for mobile users, from small mobile devices to large, immersive setups.