Section: Overall Objectives

Highlights of the Year

Shape Visualization

Thanks to the PhD of Romain Vergne, we have developed new techniques to legibly depict the shape of 3D objects. For this purpose, we have explored Non-Photorealistic Rendering approaches  [36] , realistic approaches by tuning light directions  [37] (front cover of the special issue of ACM Transaction of Graphics) or light intensities  [38] (best paper award). The success of such an approach has increased this year [17] . Furthermore, we have shown that we can depict the shape in a temporally coherent manner with stylized lines [18] (3rd best paper award).

Cultural Heritage and Computer Graphics

For the last years, we are investigating the convergence between the Computer Graphics tools that we are developing and Cultural Heritage related tools. In 2009, we have initiated the ANR SeARCH project (http://anr-search.labri.fr ) on this topic. The results developed with our close partner Archéovision (http://archeovision.cnrs.fr ) have been well recognized, and thanks to our common expertise, in 2011, we have joined the European Network of Excellence V-Must.net (http://www.v-must.net ). In this consortium, we particularly explore new interaction and visualization techniques that support museums in their three main goals: the transmission, the conservation, and the study of Cultural Heritage.

Toucheo: Multitouch + Stereo

We have designed a new system, Toucheo, that efficiently combines fast and easy multitouch interaction, with 3D stereoscopic immersive visualization. This system is the result of the collaboration between IPARLA, and a company called Immersion. This work is part of the ANR InSTInCT project. We demonstrated the technology at Siggraph 2011 Emergingtech [19] , and we published at UIST 2011 [25] . We submitted a joint patent with Immersion for this new system, and it is now available as a commercial product. Toucheo is currently part of the "Numeriquement votre" exhibition that takes place at Cap Sciences, Bordeaux.