Section: Dissemination


The members of our team are implied in teaching computer science at University Bordeaux 1, University Bordeaux Ségalen, University Bordeaux 3, ENSSAT Engineering school and ENSEIRB Engineering School. General computer science is concerned, as well as the following graphics related topics:

  • License MASS - Web programming - 54h - L2 - Université Bordeaux Ségalen - France (Patrick Reuter)

  • License MASS - Image analysis & synthesis - 36h - L3 - Université Bordeaux Ségalen - France (Patrick Reuter)

  • Master - Image Synthesis - 48h - M1 - Université Bordeaux 1 - France (Xavier Granier, Gaël Guennebaud, Nicolas Mellado)

  • Master Sciences Cognitive - Virtual Reality - 40h - M2 - Universite Bordeaux Ségalen - France (Martin Hachet, Fabien Lotte, Christophe Schlick)

  • Enseirb engineering school, Virtual Reality - 10h (Martin Hachet)

  • Enseirb engineering school, Image Synthesis - 14h (Nicolas Mellado)

  • Enseirb engineering school, C++ - 12h (Nicolas Mellado)

  • ENSSAT engineering school, Multimedia & Networks computer science unit at, 3rd year (Master 2) - Virtual Reality, accessibility and BCI - 4h (Fabien Lotte)

Some members are also actively participating to the creation of the new department of Institut d'Optique Graduate School in Bordeaux.

One member of the team gave lectures (4h) in Brno/Czech republic about "Semi-Automatic Reassembly for Cultural Heritage" within the European Project FP7 called "European methodological studies for archaeologists" (Nicolas Mellado).

PhD & HdR

  • PhD : Olivier Hugues, "Vision augmentée à bord des navires et navires intelligents", defended december 12, 2011, Pascal Guitton

  • PhD : Robin Skowronsky, "Perception de l'environnement et réalité virtuelle sur station mobile", defended November 3, 2011, Jean-Sébastien Franco

  • PhD in progress : Simon Boyé, "Novel representations for geometric modeling", Sept. 2009, Gaël Guennebaud & Christophe Schlick

  • PhD in progress : Nicolas Mellado, "3D Acquisition et Réassemblage semi-automatique", Sept. 2009, Patrick Reuter & Christophe Schlick

  • PhD in progress : Jiazhou Chen, "Stylization for Augmented Reality", Sept. 2009, Xavier Granier

  • PhD in progress : Heqi Lu, "Appearance Analysis for Acquisition and Rendering", Nov. 2010, Xavier Granier

  • PhD in progress : Aurélie Cohé, "Manipulation d'objets 3D avec des surfaces tactiles", August 2009, Martin Hachet

  • PhD in progress : Jérémy Laviole, "3D user interfaces for computer graphics", Oct. 2010, Martin Hachet

  • PhD in progress : Yann Savoye, "Cage-based Animation Parametrization For 3D video", Oct. 2008, Jean-Sébastien Franco