Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
ANR Programme blanc (BLAN) MEGAS: 2009-2012
Participants : François Castella, Philippe Chartier, Arnaud Debussche, Erwan Faou.
Geometric methods and sampling: application to molecular simulation. The project is financed for 3 years, coordinated by Tony Lelièvre and gathers the following teams and persons:
Team of Eric Cancès at CERMICS
Mathias Rousset from INRIA Lille
Christophe Chipot, from the CNRS in Nancy.
P. Chartier is the coordinator for IPSO.
ANR GYPSI (leader P. Beyer)
Participant : Nicolas Crouseilles.
The full description is available at
INRIA Large scale initiative FUSION
Participant : Nicolas Crouseilles.
Leader E. Sonnedrücker. The full description is available at