Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

INRIA Associated Teams

  • Title: Mathematical modelling and Numerical Simulation for Cardiovascular Applications

  • INRIA principal investigator: Philippe Moireau

  • International Partner:

    • Institution: Stanford University (United States)

    • Laboratory: Bioengineering and Surgery Departments

    • Researcher: Charles TAYLOR

  • International Partner:

    • Institution: UC San Diego (United States)

    • Laboratory: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

    • Researcher: Alison MARSDEN

  • Duration: 2011–2013

  • See also: https://idal-siege.inria.fr/cardio/

  • To improve disease understanding, surgical repair or medical device design, mathematical and numerical tools have been the subject of much efforts over the last decades. In this context, we propose a research subject on cardiovascular and air flow modeling. It extends the project of the previous associated team on blood flow modeling to flow of air in the lungs. The goal is to continue to work on bringing together methods developed in the different teams, to compare them if necessary, and to apply them to in-vivo (animal or human) physiologically relevant situations. All the different team members have a strong will to work close to the applications. They all have links to clinicians or biologists, which drive the concrete applications that will be studied: congenital heart disease pathophysiology and repair, artery wall compliance study in normal and pathophysiological cases, heart valve pathophysiology assessment, aerosol deposition in the lungs. Furthermore, the associated team facilitates the breadth of researcher knowledge by exposure to different ways of thinking, methods and/or applications, and by the training of students as they interact with the other institutes.