Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

Dominique Chapelle

  • Speaker at FIMH'11 (NYC, USA, May 25–27), 6th MIT Conference on Computational Mechanics (Boston, USA, June 15–17), IFIP'11 (Berlin, RFA, Sept. 12th), “Journée SMAI Maths-Industrie Voile” (Paris, Dec. 9th)

  • Seminars at Ecole Polytechnique (Ladhyx, Febr. 7th), ESPCI (Febr. 22nd), Univ. Grenoble (LJK, May 12th), Harvard (June 6th)

  • PhD thesis referee for E. Lignon (Ecole Polytechnique, Jan. 21st) and M. Caruel (Ecole Polytechnique, Oct. 10th)

Sofiane Hendili

  • Speaker at 10ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures CSMA 2011, 9-13 Mai 2011, Giens

  • Speaker at 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique CFM 2011, 28 Aout au 2 Septembre 2011, Besançon

Philippe Moireau

  • Attending the conference Functional Imaging and Modeling for the Heart FIMH'11, where 2 proceedings were accepted as a poster and an oral presentation given by D. Chapelle,

  • Speaker at “Contact Innovation” on “Patient-specific bio-physical modeling for the heart”, 15 Nov. 2011, Ministère de la Recherche, Paris.

  • Speaker at “Horizon Maths” on “Joint state parameter estimation for PDEs by observer and optimal filtering”, 12-13 Dec. 2011, Areva, Paris

  • Lecture “La météo du cœur” at award ceremony for “Olympiades de Mathématiques” (Versailles academic district), 15 June

Daniele Trimarchi

  • Speaker at 10ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures CSMA 2011, 9-13 May 2011, Giens

Marina Vidrascu

  • with A. Gloria, P. Le Tallec and F. Lequeux, organization of the workshop “From polymer physics to rubber elasticity” January 17–19 IHP (Paris)

  • Seminars: Univ. Amiens (June 6th), Laboratoire JLL (Oct. 10th), Univ. Orsay (Nov. 24th)