Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
European Initiatives
FP7 Projects
Participant : Konstantin Avrachenkov.
Title: Experimental COgnitive Distributed Engine (ECODE)
Challenge: New paradigms and experimental facilities
Instrument: Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP)
Duration: September 2008 – August 2011
Coordinator: Alcatel Lucent (Belgium)
Other partners:
Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL), IP Networking Lab (INL) (Belgium)
Universite de Liege (ULg), Research Unit in Networking (Belgium)
Interdisciplinair instituut voor BreedBand Technologie (IBBT), iLab.t (Belgium)
Lancaster University (ULANC), Computing Department (United Kingdom)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (LAAS) (France)
See also:
Abstract: As part of the Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) initiative, the ECODE FP7 project designs and experiments machine learning-based control functionality. For this purpose, the project designs, develops, and experiments a distributed machine learning component that augments the capability and functionality of the routing and the forwarding engine of current routers. To evaluate the executability and the performance of the developed machine learning based control functionality, several experiments are conducted at the iLab.t experimental facility, located at IBBT in Ghent, Belgium.
Maestro 's task is to design and evaluate flow management schemes that can deal with potentially sampled traffic information. K. Avrachenkov is the coordinator for Maestro .