Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
ANR Verso ECOSCELLS (11/2009–10/2012)
Participants : Eitan Altman, Konstantin Avrachenkov, Philippe Nain.
Anr Verso Ecoscells (Efficient Cooperating Small Cells) aims at developing algorithms and solutions which will be required for the deployment of small cell networks. The theoretical studies will define and solve the models needed to understand the behavior of radio channels, and will design the algorithms which will allow the exploitation of the diversity (user, spatial, interference, etc.) in these networks. The consortium gathers two main industrial groups in the telecommunication domain (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs (leader) and Orange Labs), together with three leading SMEs (3Roam , Sequans and Siradel ) and six academic partners (University of Avignon, Inria through its project-teams Maestro , Mascotte and Swing , Institut Eurecom , Laas-Cnrs and Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes/Supelec ).
ANR Syscom MODECOL (01/2009–12/2011)
Participants : Eitan Altman, Alain Jean-Marie.
Anr Verso Modecol (Using mathematical MODeling to improve ECOLogical services of prairial ecosystems) is integrated in the framework of the urgent need for solutions for compensating human deterioration of the environment. New environmental policies point out natural ecosystems as key elements for providing ecological services such as water purification, soil detoxification, climate regulation and advocate for the creation of new ecosystems (as surrogates for the degraded natural systems) for increasing their positive effect on the environment. The design of such new ecosystems needs to be optimized for providing the best ecological services. The project Modecol aims at developing a hybrid model, sufficiently realistic, that will simulate a prairial ecosystem (modelled through IBM) correlated through feedbacks to environmental conditions (modelled through PDEs). This approach aims to provide a virtual laboratory for testing ecological hypothesis on complex ecological systems.
The participants are: UMR Ecobio (Cnrs /Univ. Rennes 1), University of Houston (USA), University of Berkeley (USA), University of La Rochelle, and Inria through its projects and project-teams Maestro , Modemic and Tosca .
ANR Multimedia VOODDO (2008-2011)
Participant : Alain Jean-Marie.
The aim of this research project, now terminated, was the development of an innovative visualization interface for video contents, based on a safe, reliable and optimized storage and transport infrastructure. It was coordinated by the VodDnet company, and involved researchers of the Lirmm (University of Montpellier 2 and Cnrs ). The last results obtained were on the optimal placement of data [84] and the problem of prefetching data so that users never experience blocking [86] .
INRIA Cooperative Research Initiative (ARC) OCOQS (2011-2013)
Participant : Alain Jean-Marie.
The Arc Ocoqs (Optimal threshold policies in COntrolled Queuing Systems) is devoted to the structural analysis of Markov Decision Processes, with the objective to improve the set of formal techniques available to prove that optimal control policies have a particular structure (typically, threshold-type). One of the benchmarks for this project is the extension of the model solved in [102] . This project also involves A. Busic (Inria project-team Trec ), E. Hyon (LIP6 and Univ. Paris 10) and I. Vliegen (Univ. Twente).