Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

INRIA Associate Teams

  • Title: Advance Modelling in Geophysics

  • INRIA principal investigator: Hélène Barucq

  • International Partner:

    • Institution: California State University at Northridge (United States)

    • Laboratory: Department of Mathematics

  • Duration: 2006 - 2011

  • See also: http://uppa-inria.univ-pau.fr/m3d/Equipe-associee/index.html

  • The main objective of this three-year research program is the design of an efficient solution methodology for solving Helmholtz problems in heterogeneous domains, a key step for solving the inversion in complex tectonics. The proposed research program is based upon the following four pillars:

    1. The design, implementation, and the performance assessment of a new hybrid mixed type method (HMM) for solving Helmholtz problems. 2. The construction of local nonreflecting boundary conditions to equip HMM when solving exterior high-frequency Helmholtz problems. 3. The design of an efficient numerical procedure for full-aperture reconstruction of the acoustic far-field pattern (FFP) when measured in a limited aperture. 4. The characterization of the Fr飨et derivative of the elasto-acoustic scattered field with respect to the shape of a given elastic scatterer.

Visits of International Scientists

  • Chokri Bekkey spent one week in Magique-3D  in April 2011.

  • Yingxiang Xu, Post-doctoral student at Genova University, spent one week in Magique-3D  in May 2011.

  • Robert Kotiuga, Professor at Boston University, spent one month as invited Professor in Magique-3D  in September 2011.

  • Mounir Tlemcani spent two weeks in Magique-3D in September 2011 .

  • Mohamed Lakhdar Hadji (University of Annaba, Algeria) spent one month in Magique-3D  in December 2011.

  • Jewoo Yoo, PhD student at Seoul University (Korea), is visiting us from october 2011 to February 2012.

In the framework of the Aquitaine/Euskadi programm, four scientists from the BCAM visited Magique 3D:

  • Alejandro Pozo, PhD student, spent two weeksin Magique-3D in october 2011.

  • Cristi Cazacu, PhD student, spent two weeks in Magique-3D in october 2011.

  • Aurora Marica, Post-Doctoral student, spent one week in Magique-3D in november 2011.

  • Javier Escartin, PhD student, spent two weeks in Magique-3D in december 2011 .

Participation In International Programs

Depth Imaging Partnership Magique-3D maintains active collaborations with Total . In the context of depth imaging and with the collaboration of Henri Calandra from Total , Magique-3D coordinates research activities dealing with the development of high-performance numerical methods for solving wave equations in complex media. This project involves French academic researchers in mathematics, computing and in geophysics, and is funded by Total . At the end of 2011, four PhD students have defended their PhD dealing with contributions to new numerical imaging methods that are based on the solution of the full wave equation. Two were working in Magique-3D and in November 2011, a Ph.D. student has been hired in Magique-3D. Moreover, four internships have been realized in Magique3D. Always in the framework of DIP, Magique-3D has started a collaboration with Prof.Changsoo Shin who is an expert of Geophysics and works at the Department of Energy resources engineering (College of Engineering, Seoul National University). At that moment, Jewoo Yoo, who is a first year PhD student advised by Prof.Changsoo Shin, is visiting Magique-3D during four months.

To our knowledge, this network is the first in the French research community to establish links between industrial and academic researchers in the context of a long-term research program managed by an INRIA team.