Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
DIGITEO 2009-27HD CoChaT: Covert Channels in Timed Systems
Participant : Serge Haddad.
Attacks with timing channels have been described and simulated for instance on TCP/IP protocols, Web communications or cryptographic operations. The scientific objective of the CoChaT project is to study the conditions underwhich such attacks can occur in timed systems, with two main directions. a. The first step consists in defining a theoretical framework, in which timing channels can be formally described. b. A second part of thework concerns the design of detection and verification algorithms, for which decidability issues are involved. Progress in both steps will have to take into account practical examples like the case studies mentionned above, in order to validate the formal approach.
DIGITEO 2010 PhD Grant (LoCoReP)
Participants : Benedikt Bollig, Aiswarya Cyriac, Paul Gastin, Marc Zeitoun.
Benedikt Bollig and Paul Gastin obtained a DIGITEO PhD grant for their student Aiswarya Cyriac. The aim of the PhD will be to design linear-time temporal logics for concurrent recursive programs.
Participants : Stefan Haar, Hernán Ponce de Léon.
Stefan Haar and Delphine Longuet of LRI, Univ. Paris-Sud/Orsay, have obtained a DIM/LSC grant for the project TECSTES which finances the PhD thesis of their student HernánPonce de Léon. The subject of the project is the asynchronous testing of concurrent systems via Event Structures.