Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
ANR ImpRo ANR-2010-BLAN-0317
Participants : Sandie Balaguer, Thomas Chatain, Stefan Haar, Serge Haddad, Stefan Schwoon.
This project involves IRCCyN (Nantes), IRISA (Rennes), LIP6 (Paris), LSV (Cachan), LIAFA (Paris), LIF (Marseille)
It addresses the issues related to the practical implementation of formal models for the design of communicating embedded systems: such models abstract many complex features or limitations of the execution environment. The modeling of time, in particular, is usually ideal, with infinitely precise clocks, instantaneous tests or mode commutations, etc. Our objective is thus to study to what extent the practical implementation of these models preserves their good properties. We will first define a generic mathematical framework to reason about and measure implementability, and then study the possibility to integrate implementability constraints in the models. We will particularly focus on the combination of several sources of perturbation such as resource allocation, the distributed architecture of applications, etc. We will also study implementability through control and diagnostic techniques. We will finally apply the developed methods to a case study based on the AUTOSAR architecture, a standard of the automotive industry.
Participants : Hilal Djafri, Serge Haddad.
The increasing use of computerised systems in all aspects of our lives gives an increasing importance on the need for them to function correctly. The presence of such systems in safety-critical applications, coupled with their increasing complexity, makes indispensable their verification to see if they behaves as required . Thus the model checking techniques, i.e. the automated form of formal verification , are of particular interest. Since verification techniques have become more efficient and more prevalent, the natural extension is to extend the range of models and specification formalisms to which model checking can be applied. Indeed the behaviour of many real-life processes is inherently stochastic, thus the formalism has been extended to probabilistic model checking. Therefore, different formalisms in which the underlying system has been modelled by Markovian models have been proposed.
Stochastic model checking can be performed by numerical or statistical methods. In model checking formalism, models are checked to see if the considered measures are guaranteed or not, bounding techniques become useful.We propose to apply Stochastic Comparison technique for numerical stochastic model checking. The main advantage of this approach is the possibility to derive transient and steady-state bounding distributions as well as the possibility to avoid the state space explosion problem. For the statistical model checking we propose to study the application of perfect simulation by coupling in the past. This method has been shown that to be efficient when the underlying system is monotonous for the exact steady-state distribution sampling. We consider to extend this approach for transient analysis and to model checking by means of bounding models and the stochastic monotonicity. One of difficult problems for model checking formalism, we envisage to study is when the state space is infinite. In some cases, it would be possible to consider bounding models defined in finite state space.
Indeed, formal verification using model checking and performance and dependability evaluation have a lot of things in common. We think that it would be interesting to apply the methods that we have a large experience in quantitative evaluation in the context of stochastic model checking.