Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

ANR iSpace&time

Participants : Fabrice Lamarche [contact] , Julien Pettré, Marc Christie, Carl-Johan Jorgensen.

The iSpace&Time project is founded by the ANR and gathers six partners: IGN, Lamea, University of Rennes 1, LICIT (IFSTAR), Telecom ParisTech and the SENSE laboratory (Orange). The goal of this project is the establishment of a demonstrator of a 4D Geographic Information System of the city on the web. This portal will integrate technologies such as web2.0, sensor networks, immersive visualization, animation and simulation. It will provide solutions ranging from simple 4D city visualization to tools for urban development. Main aspects of this project are:

  • Creation of an immersive visualization based on panoramic acquired by a scanning vehicle using hybrid scanning (laser and image).

  • Fusion of heterogeneous data issued by a network of sensor enabling to measure flows of pedestrians, vehicles and other mobile objects.

  • Use of video cameras to measure, in real time, flows of pedestrians and vehicles.

  • Study of the impact of a urban development on mobility by simulating vehicles and pedestrians.

  • Integration of temporal information into the information system for visualization, data mining and simulation purpose.

The mimetic team is involved in the pedestrian simulation part of this project. This project started in 2011 and will end in 2013.