Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

ANR Pedigree

Participants : Julien Pettré [contact] , Samuel Lemercier.

Pedigree is a national project funded by the French Research Agency (ANR) over for three years (Jan. 2009 to Dec. 2011). The project is leaded by Pierre Degond, professor at the University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse (III). Partners are: Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse (IMT), Toulouse III University, Centre de Recherche sur la Cognition Animale (CRCA), Toulouse UIII University, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique (LPT), Paris-XI University, and the Mimetic team at INRIA-Rennes. 2011 is the third and last year for the Pedigree project.

The goals of the present project are the experimental and theoretical study of the formation of spatio-temporal structures within moving human groups and the development of realistic mathematical and simulation models of crowds based on these experimental data. This year, we have focused our efforts on analyzing unidirectional flow data. Analysis was conducted both at the microscopic and the macroscopic levels: we studied how individual control their locomotion from the motion of the people they follow, we also characterized some emergent phenomenon such as the formation and the damping of stop-and-go waves that propagates through the pedestrians flows. This analysis was jointly performed with LPT. A microscopic model of leader-follower behaviors has been deduced and carefully validated from experimental data. Collaboratively with IMT, a dedicated calibration procedure was elaborated. Three publications were prepared on this topic: one on data reconstruction, one on data analysis in submission to Physical Review E, and one on modeling and applications in submission to the Eurographics 2012 conference.