Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

  • A. Rapaport is presently the head of the UMR INRA-SupAgro MISTEA (Mathematics, Informatics and STatistics for Environment and Agronomy) where the team is housed. A. Rapaport is: member of the piloting board of the “modelling” axis of the LabEx Numev (Digital and Hardware Solutions, Modelling for the Environment and Life Sciences)) at Montpellier; member of the scientific board of the “Ecotechnologies” department of IRSTEA (Cemagref); member of the scientific board of the “BIOS” department of CIRAD.

  • F. Campillo is member of the NICE (long term invited scientists selection); deputy elected member of the INRIA Scientific Council; member of the internal communication working group of INRIA Sophia Antipolis. F. Campillo was member of the INRA selection board for the selection of junior scientists (statistics and modelling).

  • J. Harmand is the responsible for the treasure-2 network (a 3+3 Euromed project) that has been accepted for funding for the next 4 years); member of the scientific council of the Environment and agronomic INRA department; member of the advisory board of the INRA metaprogram MEM (Meta-omic and Microbial Ecosystems); member of the INRA evaluation commission STEA (“Sciences de la Terre, de l'eau et de l'atmosphère”).

  • F. Campillo and A. Rapaport are co-organizers of the MIA-Montpellier network that gathers about 70 researchers on applied mathematics and informatics for environmental and agronomics sciences on Montpellier [link ].

  • J. Harmand and A. Rapaport are responsible of the INRA network MODYM (MOdèles DYnamiques et Métabolites).

  • B. Haegeman is Academic Editor for PLoS ONE.