Section: Dissemination

Seminars and schools

The MODEMIC project-team animates several seminars:

  • The MODEMIC seminar on mathematical modelling [link ].

  • I3M and MODEMIC working group on stochastic models for ecology and biology [link ]; this working group is supported by the “laboratory of excellence” (LabEx) NUMEV (Digital and Hardware Solutions, Modelling for the Environment and Life Sciences).

  • Within the framework of the TREASURE network, an international school has been co-organized with the INRA LBE in Narbonne From June the 6th to the 10th. About 35 Master, PhD students, junior as well as senior researchers from 6 countries have followed these courses about water treatment technology.

  • MODEMIC has organized its internal annual seminar in Saint-Martin-de-Londres, France, November September 6-8, 2011.