Section: Dissemination
F. Campillo gave a 10 hours lecture on “Markov models for successions in ecology and agronomy” at the first “Ecole Mathématique Africaine” organized by the CIMPA and the LIRIMA in Antananarivo (Madagascar), September 19-30.
F. Campillo and M. Joannides have given a 20 hours lecture on “Stochastic modelling of ecosystems” at the Master 2 in Biostatistics in Université de Montpellier II.
Fabien Campillo, C. Lobry and T. Sari gave a 6h lecture at the Summer School/Workshop “Modèles mathématiques de la dynamique des populations”, April 18–22, Ecole Polytechnique, Tunis.
A. Rapaport gave a 25 hours lecture on differential equations with applications in the “Practical Mathematics” module for 1st year students in MSc in Mathematics at University Montpellier II.
F. Campillo, J. Harmand and A. Rapaport are in charge of a new 50 hours module on “Introduction to mathematical modelling” in the new MSc program “STIC - Environnement” at University Montpellier II.
F. Campillo and A. Rapaport have delivered a 20 hours doctoral module at University Montpellier II, entitled “Modelling for biology and ecology – mathematical and computational methods”.
F. Campillo, J. Harmand, A. Rapaport and T. Sari have given introductive lectures on mathematical modelling for 1st year students of SupAgro Montpellier.
A. Rapaport has given three lectures on Modelling and numerical simulations at the “EcoSystèmes” Master at University of Montpellier II.
J. Harmand, C. Lobry, T. Sari delivered introductory lectures on mathematical modelling of bioprocesses at the Tlemcen school organized by TREASURE.