Section: Dissemination


Our project-team participates to the following courses:

  • October-February, K. Bhargavan taught courses in programming as a Chargé d'Enseignement at the École Polytechnique in 2011.

  • October-November, J. Leifer participated to the “Concurrency” course, Master Parisien de Recherche en informatique (MPRI), 2011-2012, at U. of Paris 7, 23 students, (J. Leifer taught the pi-calculus semantics: 15 hours plus the mid-term exam)

  • J.-J. Lévy taught “Reductions and Causality”, an advanced course on the lambda-calculus in October-November, Tsinghua University, Beijing (15 students, 12h) http://jeanjacqueslevy.net/courses/tsinghua/reductions .

  • J.-J. Lévy wrote a vulgarisation article on “Les dominos de Wang” in Quadrature, journal for the students of the French Classes Préparatoires.

  • L. Maranget is the coordinator of the computer science examinations of the Concours d'entrée à l'École polytechnique.

  • January, F. Zappa Nardelli was responsible of a quarter of the Master course “Concurrency”, Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique, where he lectured about proof methods for concurrent programs (12 hours of lecture plus a final exam, about 30 students).

  • February, F. Zappa Nardelli lectured at ENS Lyon on "Shared memory: an elusive abstraction" (4h, about 15 students).

  • June, 20-23, F. Zappa Nardelli lectured on "Shared memory: an elusive abstraction" at the UPMARC Summer School, Sweden (4h, about 60 students).

  • November, 7-11, F. Zappa Nardelli was teaching assistant at the "Introduction to the Coq proof assistant" CEA-EDF-INRIA summer school (20 hours, about 25 students).

Training and Supervisions:

  • K. Bhargavan supervised 2 Masters internships (stagiaires) in 2011: Quentin Lefebvre and Evmorfia-Iro Bartzia.

  • K. Bhargavan supervised 2 summer internships: Chetan Bansal and Ravinder Shankesi.

  • K. Bhargavan is supervising Evmorfia-Iro Bartzia as a PhD. student since October 2011.

  • K. Bhargavan is supervising Alfredo Pironti as a post-doc since 2010.

  • J. Leifer supervised Jean Pichon, a Masters (M1) research intern from ENST Telecom ParisTech, from 1 July - 31 December 2011. The topic of the research project was “A verified interpreter for secure multiparty sessions”. Pichon will hold his defence in January 2012.

  • F. Zappa Nardelli supervised the 6 months long M2 internship of Kayvan Memarian (ENS Cachan) on “Correctness of compilation of C++11 low-level atomics”.