Section: Dissemination

Participations to conferences, Seminars, Invitations

Participations to conferences

  • January 24-30, F. Zappa Nardelli attended the POPL conference in Austin, Texas (US).

  • January 29-Feb. 1, J. Leifer, J.-J. Lévy, L. Maranget attended the JFLA'11, La Bresse France. L. Maranget gave a tutorial on Jocaml, 5 hours, for a public of about 40 reseachers.

  • February 2-5, L. Maranget attended the GGJJ 2011, in Gérardmer. He gave an invited talk with Jade Alglave.

  • February 2-5, F. Zappa Nardelli attended the GGJJ 2011, in Gérardmer. He gave a talk on “relaxed memory models must be rigorous”.

  • March 22-24, All Moscova attended the INRIA evaluation seminar, Paris.

  • March 26 - April 3, L. Maranget attended TACAS'11, in Saarbrücken. He gave a talk and a tool presentation [31] .

  • April 18-22, J. Leifer attended the “Behavioural Types Workshop”, Lisbon, Portugal. He presented a talk “Secure protocol synthesis for multi-party sessions” and was an invited member of a panel on “Comparing approaches to behavioural types”.

  • June 6–8, L. Maranget attended PLDI'11, San Jose, California. His co-author S. Sarkar gave a talk of this article [26] .

  • July 16–20, L. Maranget attended CAV'11, in Snowbird, Utah. His co-author J. Alglave gave a talk of this article [30] .

  • June 26-29: K.Bhargavan, J. Leifer, J.-J. Lévy attended CSF 2011, “The 24th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium”, Domaine de l'Abbaye des Vaux de Cernay, France.

  • September, 2, F. Zappa Nardelli gave a talk on “Veryifing Fence elimination Optimisations” at the POPL PC workshop.


  • January 31, F. Zappa Nardelli gave a talk on relaxed memory models at the Parkas seminar, Paris.

  • March 3, F. Zappa Nardelli gave a talk on relaxed memory models at the “groupe de travail Programmation”, Paris.

  • April, 7-10, F. Zappa Nardelli visited Cambridge University for collaboration with Peter Sewell.

  • April, 7-10, K. Memarian visited Cambridge University for collaboration with Peter Sewell.

  • May 5, K. Bhargavan gave a seminar as part of the le Modèle et l’Algorithme series in INRIA Rocquencourt.

  • June 1–4, L. Maranget visited IBM in Austin, Texas, for discussion with D. Williams (IBM), J. Alglave (U. of Oxford), S. Sarkar and P. Sewell (U. of Cambridge).

  • July, K. Memarian visited Cambridge University for collaboration with Peter Sewell.

Invited visitors

  • Sergio Maffeis (Imperial College) visited the Moscova EPI as invited professor from June to November and worked with K. Bhargavan.

  • June 24, Mike Hicks (U. Maryland) visited the Moscova EPI and gave a talk on "monads in OCaml".

  • June-July, Pankaj Pawan (IIT Kanpur) was intern student in the Moscova project team under the supervision of F. Zappa Nardelli.

  • May-September, Kayvan Memarian (ENS Cachan) was intern student in the Moscova project team under the supervision of F. Zappa Nardelli.

  • May-August, Jan Vitek (U. Purdue) visited the Moscova project as Invited Professor. He collaborated with F. Zappa Nardelli.

  • June, Gregor Richards (U. Purdue) visited the Moscova project for collaboration with F. Zappa Nardelli and Jan Vitek.