Section: Software
Participants : Joachim Niehren [correspondant] , Denis Debarbieux, Tom Sebastian.
Software Self-Assessment: A-3, SO-4, SM-3, EM-3, SDL-4
The QuiXPath language is a large fragment of Forward XPath with full support for the XML data model. The QuiXPath library provides a compiler from QuiXPath to FXP. Thereby, the efficient query answering algorithms for FXP are lifted to a fragment of Forword XPath. QuiXPath is developed in the INRIA transfer project QuiXProc in cooperation with Innovimax. Both, a free open source and a professional version are available. The ownership of QuiXPath is shared between INRIA and Innovimax. The main application of QuiXPath is its usage in QuiXProc, an professional implementation of the W3C pipeline language XProc owne by Innovimax.
See also the web page .