Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Actions
ANR Lampada (2009-2013)
Participants : Marc Tommasi [correspondent] , Rémi Gilleron, Aurélien Lemay, Fabien Torre, Gemma Garriga.
The Lampada project on “Learning Algorithms, Models and sPArse representations for structured DAta” is coordinated by Tommasi from Mostrare. Our partners are the Sequel project of Inria Lille Nord Europe, the Lif (Marseille), the Hubert Curien laboratory (Saint-Etienne), and lip 6 (Paris). More information on the project can be found on .
Lampada is a fundamental research project on machine learning and structured data. It focuses on scaling learning algorithms to handle large sets of complex data. The main challenges are 1) high dimension learning problems, 2) large sets of data and 3) dynamics of data. Complex data we consider are evolving and composed of parts in some relations. Representations of these data embed both structure and content information and are typically large sequences, trees and graphs. The main application domains are web2, social networks and biological data.
The project proposes to study formal representations of such data together with incremental or sequential machine learning methods and similarity learning methods.
The representation research topic includes condensed data representation, sampling, prototype selection and representation of streams of data. Machine learning methods include edit distance learning, reinforcement learning and incremental methods, density estimation of structured data and learning on streams.
ANR Defis Codex (2009-2012)
Participants : Joachim Niehren [correspondent] , Sławek Staworko, Aurélien Lemay, Sophie Tison, Anne-Cécile Caron, Jérôme Champavère.
The Codex project on “Efficiency, Dynamicity and Composition for XML Models, Algorithms, and Systems” and is coordinated by Manolescu (GEMO, INRIA Saclay). The other partners of Mostrare there are Geneves (WAM, INRIA Grenoble), Colazzo (LRI, Orsay), Castagna (PPS, Paris 7), and Halfeld (Blois). Public information on Codex can be found on .
The Codex project seeks to push the frontier of XML technology in three interconnected directions. First, efficient algorithms and prototypes for massively distributed XML repositories are studied. Second, models are developed for describing, controlling, and reacting to the dynamic behavior of XML collections and XML schemas with time. Third, methods and prototypes are developed for composing XML programs for richer interactions, and XML schemas into rich, expressive, yet formally grounded type descriptions.
ANR Blanc Enum (2007-2011)
Participants : Guillaume Bagan, Joachim Niehren [correspondent] , Sophie Tison.
The Enum project on “Complexity and Algorithms for Answer Enumeration”, is coordinated by A. Durand (Paris VII). The other partners are E. Grandjean (University of Caen), N. Creignou (University of Marseille). Public information on Enum can be found on .
Enum studies algorithmic and complexity questions of answers enumeration, the task of generating all solutions of a given problem. Answer enumeration requires innovative efficient algorithms that can quickly serve large numbers of answers on demand. The prime application is query answering in databases, where huge answer sets arise naturally.
ARC ACCESS (2010–2011)
Participants : Iovka Boneva [correspondent] , Sophie Tison, Anne-Cécile Caron, Yves Roos, Benoît Groz, Sławek Staworko.
This is a collaboration on the subject Access Control Policies for XML : Verification, Enforcement and Collaborative Edition, supported by the INRIA Collaboration Program (Action de Recherche Collaborative). The other participants involved are from the INRIA teams DAHU (INRIA Saclay – Île de France), PAREO and CASSIS (INIRA Nancy – Grand Est). This project is concerned with the security and access control for Web data exchange, in the context of Web applications and Web services. We aim at defining automatic verification methods for checking properties of access control policies (ACP) for XML , like consistency or secrecy, and for the comparison ACPs. One of our goals is to apply formal tools from tree automata theory for this purpose. A second important goal is to design efficient methods for ACP enforcement for secure query evaluation. We will study several scenarios for solving different variants of this problem, based on the notion of secure user views. As a case study, we will apply our methods to an XML -based collaborative editing system.