Section: Dissemination
Animation of the scientific community
Invited Talks
S. Tison was invited to RTA 2011 and TLCA 2011 to give talk on “Tree Automata, (Dis-)Equality Constraints and Term Rewriting: What's New?”
Program Committees
J. Niehren is member of the steering committee of RTA (International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications), of the editorial board of FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE. He was in the program committees of CIKM 2011 (International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management), RTA 2011 (International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications), LATA 2011 (International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications), APWeb 2011 (Asian Pacific Web Conference), and LID 2011 (Logic in Databases).
S. Tison was member of the program committee of STACS 2011 (Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science). She is member of of the editorial board of RAIRO - ITA and of the steering committee of STACS.
S. Staworko was member of the program committee of SUM 2011 (International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management) and co-chair of LID 2011 (International Workshop on Logic in Databases).
G. Garriga continues to be member of the editorial board of Machine Learning Journal and of the Intelligent Data Analysis Journal. She was member of the program committees of KDD 2011 (ACM SigKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining), ICML 2011 (International Conference on Machine Learning), ICDM 2011 (IEEE International Conference on Data Mining), SDM 2011 (SIAM International Conference on Data Mining) and IDA 2011 (Intelligent Data Analysis conference).
A. Bonifati was Chair for the program committee for the Semistructured Data, XML and Web Data Management track, ICDE 2011. She was also member of the program committees of SIGMOD 2011 (International Conference on Management of Data), VLDB 2011 (International Conference on Very Large Databases), EDBT 2011 (International Conference on Extending Data- base Technology).
French Scientific Responsibilities
A.C. Caron is member of the french national evaluation committee for computer science assistant professors (CNU 27). She was member of selection committee for assistant professor in Lille.
R. Gilleron was a member of the scientific committee of the program Programme blanc SIMI2, ANR and a member of the selection committees of assistant professors in Marseille and Lille and finally a member of the evaluation committees of the habilitation thesis of O. Teytaud (LRI, Paris 11) and R. Bailly (LIF, Marseille)
S. Tison is head of the computer science lab in Lille (LIFL). She was co-head of the scientific committee of the program Programme blanc SIMI2, ANR. She is member of the scientific committee of the program Chaires Industrielles, ANR. She chaired the AERES evaluation committee of the computer science lab I3S (Nice/Sophia). She chairs the scientific council of "Pôle de Compétitivité Industries du Commerce". She was member of the national PES commission 27. She was member of the selection committee in Lille for professor positions.
J. Niehren was president of the selection committee for postdocs and PhD students of the research center INRIA Lille Nord Europe, and member of the selection committee for 1 professor position at Ecole Polytechnique Lille.
M. Tommasi was a member of the Technological Development Committee (CDT), a member of the Computers Users Committee (CUMI) of Inria Lille and a member of the scientific committee for selection of assitant professors in St Etienne. Expertises/rapport JEI/CIR