Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 Projects

S-CUBE (2008-2012)

Françoise André, Jean-Louis Pazat

  • Title: S-Cube: Software Services and Systems Network


  • Defi: Service & software architectures, infrastructures and engineering

  • Instrument: Network of Excellence (NoE)

  • Duration: March 2008 - February 2012

  • Coordinator: Universität Duisburg-Essen (Germany)

  • Others partners: University of Duisburg-Essen, Paluno - Ruhr Institute for Software Technology (Germany); Tilburg University (Netherlands); City University London (U.K.); Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy); Center for Scientific and Technological Research, FBK (Italy); Lero - The Irish Software Engineering Research Centre (Ireland); Politecnico di Milano (Italy); MTA SZTAKI – Computer and Automation Research Institute (Hungary); Vienna University of Technology (Austria); Université Claude Bernard Lyon (France); University of Crete (Greece); Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain); University of Stuttgart (Germany); University of Hamburg (Germany); Vrije University Amsterdam (Netherlands)

  • See also: http://www.s-cube-network.eu/

  • Abstract:S-Cube is the European network of excellence in software services and systems federating the software engineering and distributed system research communities to shape the Internet of Services (http://www.s-cube-network.eu/ ). The Myriads team is involved in service discovery, coordination and adaptation. Three PhD thesis grants are funded by the S-Cube project.

CONTRAIL (2010-2013)

Yvon Jégou, Christine Morin

  • Title: Contrail, Open Computing Infrastructures for Elastic Services


  • Defi: Internet of Services, Software & Virtualisation

  • Instrument: Integrated Project (IP)

  • Duration: October 2010 - September 2013

  • Coordinator: INRIA (France)

  • Others partners: XLAB Razvoj Programske Opreme In Svetovanje d.o.o., Slovenia ; Italian National Research Council, ISTI-CNR & IIT-CNR, Italy ; Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands ; Science and Technology Facilities Council, STFC, UK ; Genias Benelux bv, The Netherlands ; Tiscali Italia SpA, Italy ; Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin, ZIB, Germany ; Hewlett Packard Italiana S.r.l - Italy Innovation Center, Italy ; Country Constellation Technologies Ltd, UK ; EBM WebSourcing, France ;

  • See also: http://www.contrail-project.eu

  • Abstract: The goal of the Contrail project is to design, implement, evaluate and promote an open source system for Cloud Federations. To allow open access to shared computing resources, the vision of the Contrail project is that any organization should be able to be both a Cloud provider when its IT infrastructure is not used at its maximal capacity, and a Cloud customer in periods of peak activity. Resources that belong to different operators will be integrated into a single homogeneous Federated Cloud that users can access seamlessly.

    Contrail will vertically integrate an open-source distributed operating system for autonomous resource management in Infrastructure-as-a-Service environments, and high level services and runtime environments as foundations for Platform-as-a-Service. Contrail will address key technological challenges in existing commercial and academic Clouds: the lack of standardized rich and stable interfaces; limited trust from customers; and relatively poor Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees regarding the performance and availability of Cloud resources.

SCALUS Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (MCITN) (2009-2013)

Christine Morin

  • Title: SCALUS - SCALing by means of Ubiquitous Storage

  • Type: PEOPLE (ICT)

  • Defi: elevating education, research, and development inside the area of storage architectures with a focus on cluster, grid, and cloud storage

  • Instrument: Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (MCITN)

  • Duration: 4 years

  • Coordinator: Padeborn University, Germany

  • Others partners: Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC2), Germany ; BSC, Spain ; Durham University, UK ; Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Germany ; FORTH-ICS, Greece ; Universidad Politecnica De Madrid, Spain ; Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France ; XLAB, Slovenia ; Universität Hamburg, Germany ; Xyratex, UK ; Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH, Germany (associated partner) ; CERN, Switzerland (associated partner) ; Microsoft Research, UK (associated partner) ; NEC, Germany (associated partner) ; ORACLE, Germany (associated partner).

  • See also: http://www.scalus.eu/

  • Abstract: The consortium of this Marie Curie Initial Training Network (MCITN) SCALing by means of Ubiquitous Storage (SCALUS) aims at elevating education, research, and development inside the area of storage architectures with a focus on cluster, grid, and cloud storage. The vision of the SCALUS MCITN is to deliver the foundation for ubiquitous storage systems, which can be scaled in arbitrary directions (capacity, performance, distance, security, . . .). The consortium involves 8 full academic partners, 2 full industrial partners and 5 additional associated industrial partners. Christine Morin participates in this project by co-advising with Professor Ludwig from the University of Hamburg a PhD student (Amandine Pignier) working on Load Balancing and Scheduling in Parallel and Cluster File Systems.

BonFire IP Project (2010-2013)

David Margery

  • Title: BonFIRE, Building service testbeds on FIRE


  • Defi: Future Internet experimental facility and experimentally-driven research

  • Instrument: Integrated Project (IP)

  • Duration: June 2010 - November 2013

  • Coordinator: ATOS SPAIN SA (Spain)

  • Others partners: The university of Edinburgh (U.K.); SAP AG (Germany); Universitaet Stuttgart (Germany); Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Foaerung der Angewandten Forshung E.V (Germany); Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband Technology (Belgium); Universidad Complutense De Madrid (Spain) ; Fundacio Privada I2CAT, Internet I Innovacio Digital A Catalunya (Spain); Hewlett-Packard Limited (U.K.); The 451 Group Limited (U.K.) Techniche Universitat Berlin (Germany); University of Southampton (U.K.); Inria (France); Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej Pan (Poland); Nextworks (Italy); Redzinc Services Limited (Ireland); Cloudium systems Limited (Ireland); Fundacio Centro Technologico De Supercomputacion De Galicia (Spain); Centre d'Excellence en technologies de l'Information et de la communication (Belgium); University of Manchester (U.K.);

  • See also: http://www.bonfire-project.eu/

  • Abstract:he BonFIRE (Building service testbeds for Future Internet Research and Experimentation) project will design, build and operate a multi-site cloud facility to support applications, services and systems research targeting the Internet of Services community within the Future Internet (http://www.bonfire-project.eu/ ). The Myriads team is involved in this project as it hosts the Aladdin ADT.

In the context of BonFIRE, we operate one of the five cloud sites integrated into the BonFIRE cloud federation. This cloud site is based on OpenNebula and can be extended on-request to all the machines of the local Grid'5000 site. We have also contributed to the cloud federation layer and host the integration infrastructure for the project, generated from configuration management tools using puppet.

IC0804 - Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Distributed Systems

Françoise André, Jean-Louis Pazat

This COST Action will propose realistic energy-efficient alternate solutions to share IT distributed resources (http://www.irit.fr/cost804/ ). As large scale distributed systems gather and share more and more computing nodes and storage resources, their energy consumption is exponentially increasing. While much effort is nowadays put into hardware specific solutions to lower energy consumptions, the need for a complementary approach is necessary at the distributed system level, i.e. middleware, network and applications. The Action will characterize the energy consumption and energy efficiencies of distributed applications. In his PhD thesis work, Eugen Feller is contributing to this COST action. He is one of the two co-proposers of a working group on energy and QoS-aware workload management in clouds.

Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7

  • Program: EIT ICT Labs

  • Project acronym: Activity 10239

  • Project title: Boosting Innovative Software in Cloud and Service Computing

  • Duration: January - December 2011

  • Coordinator: Christine Morin

  • Other partners: Institut Telecom Sud Paris (France), VTT (Sweden), SAP (Germany)

  • Abstract: This activity aims at building testbeds integrating XtreemOS and Contrail open source software and at experimenting these testbeds on large scale experimentation platforms such as Grid'5000 and BonFire. We organized an EIT ICT Labs summer school (jointly with Contrail European project) held June 27-July 1, 2011 in Presqu'île de Giens, France.