Section: Dissemination
Animation of the scientific community
C. Canudas de Wit has participated to several concertation meetings in the CORDIS reseach program at the ITC department in the EU. He participated as evaluator in the FP7 program “Factories of the Future": FP7-2010-NMP-ICT-FoF, and as reviewer of EU projects in the FP6 program on Embedded Systems and Control. He was nominated at the Board of Governors of the IEEE Control System Society for 2011, and he has been elected for 3 more years. He is also the responsible of joint activites between the IEEE-CSC and the EUCA (Europeen Control Associated) where he belongs to the steering board.
F. Garin has been a member of the recruiting committee, held in May 2011, for an Associate Professor position (poste de Maître de Conférences) in IUT 1 (University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble) and the Automatic Control Departement of GIPSA-LAB.
She organized the 3rd annual Consortium Meeting of the FeedNetBack European project, held at INRIA in Montbonnot, on October 11-12th 2011.
She has been a peer-reviewer for international journals (IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Automatica, Systems and Control Letters) and conferences (CDC-ECC 2011, ACC 2011, ACC 2012).
A. Kibangou was a member of the Technical Program Committee of the European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) 2011. For the Carnot Insitute LSI, he was member of the “Sensor Networks Initiative" of the ICT-MNT Carnot alliance. In this framework, he was a contributor to a white book devoted to the vision of the ICT-MNT Carnot alliance on Internet of things. He was member of two selection committees for University Joseph Fourier in 2011.
He serves as a reviewer for the following international journals: Automatica, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems and Technology, Signal Processing (Elsevier), Electronics Letters, Int. J. of Adaptive control and Signal Processing, and System control letters. Locally, he is the organizer of seminars for the Control Department of GIPSA-LAB.
A. Seuret is co-animator of the “Time-delay System" group (GDR SAR) since March 2008. He is leader of a Workpackage of the European Project FeedNetBack. He is general chair of the Summer School on Automatic Control of Grenoble since 2010.
He is also reviewer for the major Journals and Conferences of the field. Among them, there are journals (IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Automatica, System Control and Letter, International Journal of Systems Science) and conferences (Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), American Control Conference (ACC), IFAC Workshops on Robust Control (ROCOND) and on Time Delay Systems (TDS)).
D. Simon is member of the RTNS'11 (international conference on Real Time and Network Systems) and CIFA'12 (Conference Internationale Francophone d'Automatique) program committees. He has been also member of the scientific and organization committees of CAR'11 (Control Architectures for Robots) at Montbonnot, Grenoble. He served as reviewer for the PhD of H. H. Nejad (July 2011, CRAN, Nancy), C. Faure (October 2011, IFPEN and ISIEE, Paris), J. B Chaudron (December 2011, Onera and ISAE, Toulouse) and examiner for the PhD defense of S. Durand (January 2011, Grenoble INP), F. Felicioni (January 2011, Loria Nancy and University Rosario, Argentina) and E. Roche (October, Grenoble INP). Involvement and talks within the API (Automatique Pour l'Informatique) PEPS headed by E. Rutten (Sardes ).
He has been also a peer-reviewer for MSR'11 (Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs) and MED'11 (Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation) conferences.
H. Fourati has been a peer-reviewer for international journals (IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics).