Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National and International Initiatives
INRIA Associate Teams
The NeCS team is a partner in the Sensas A.D.T. (started in December 2010), where it is involved in the coordinated control of a networked swarm of mobile robots.
INRIA National and International Partners
Long term collaboration does exist with the University of Sevilla along several different topics including: coding and control co-design, Power control in NCS, energy-aware control in SoC, and control of DC/AC converters. Scientific collaborations inside the IST FeedNetBack project have been initialized with ETH Zurich and University of Sevilla about the integration of control and scheduling on distributed architectures, in particular focusing on the robustness and predictive control point of views. The ANR SafeNecs project provided support and collaboration along the three past years with teams from both the computing side (LORIA Trio team about control and (m,k)-firm scheduling) and from the fault tolerant control side (CRAN Nancy and GIPSA-LAB, about the integration of real-time control, diagnosis and flexible scheduling). Strong collaborations have been established with KTH (Stockholm), ETH (Zurich), University of Sevilla and Padova as core partners of the FeedNetBack European project.
C. Canudas de Wit has collaborations with University of Sevilla, Spain (F. Gomez-Estern, F. R. Rubio, F. Gordillo, J. Aracil).
A. Seuret has collaborations with LAGIS, Lille (J.-P. Richard), Leicester University, UK (C. Edwards), University of Kent, UK (S.K. Spurgeon), Tel Aviv University, Israel (E. Fridman), Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil (J.M. Gomes da Silva Jr.), KTH, Sweden (K.H. Johansson, D.V. Dimarogonas, C. Briat), Illinois Institute of Technology, USA (M.M. Peet) and Cinevstav, Mexico (S. Mondié).
D. Simon spent one week in the Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University of Sevilla (25-29/04/2011), working with David Muñoz on the integration of MPC based schedulers and LPV varying sampling control loops.
A. Kibangou has collaborations with I3S, Nice (G. Favier) and Universidade Federal do Ceara, Brazil (A.L.F. De Almeida).
F. Garin has collaborations with Università di Padova, Italy (R. Carli, E. Lovisari, S. Zampieri) and Politecnico di Torino, Italy (P. Frasca, F. Fagnani) and with MIT, USA (G. Como).
H. Fourati has started a new collaboration with the Kazakhstan National Technical University (KazNTU). He curretly co-advises with Pr. Syzdikov Dastan Jacanovich in KazNTU, Zarina Samigulina PhD student in KazNTU. He has also some collaborations with CReSTIC/University of Reims Champagne Ardenne (N. Manamanni) and DEPE/IPHC/University of Strasbourg (Y. Handrich).
Visits of International Scientists
Dr. Daniel Quevedo from the University of Newcastle (Australia) has visited the NeCS team for one week in September 2011.
Enrico Lovisari, PhD student at Università di Padova has visited the NeCS team for one week in July 2011.
Fabio Gomez-Estern from University of Sevilla has visited the NeCS team for 3 weeks in January 2011.
Pr. Sabine Mondie from PCinvestav, Mexico has visited the NeCS team in September 2011.
Pr. Valter Leite from CEFET–MG, Campus Divinopolis, Brasil has visited the NeCS team during 2011.