Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
European Initiatives
FP7 Projects
Title: Service Oriented Architectures for All
Defi: Service & SA architectures, infrastructures and engineering
Instrument: Integrated Project (IP)
Duration: March 2008 - February 2011
Coordinator: Atos Origin (Spain)
Others partners: British Telecommunications (UK); The Open University (UK); SAP; CEFRIEL (It); STI - University of Innsbruck (At); EBM WebSourcing (Fr); Hanival Internet Services (At); Universität Karlsruhe (De); INRIA (Fr); iSOCO (Sp); Ontotext Lab (Bu); seekda (Au); TIE Nederland; TXT e-Solutions (It); The University of Manchester (Uk); Universidad de Sevilla (Es)
See also:
Abstract: Service Oriented Architectures for All (SOA4All) is a Large-Scale Integrating Project funded by the European Seventh Framework Programme, under the Service and Software Architectures, Infrastructures and Engineering research area.
SOA4All will help realize a world where billions of parties are exposing and consuming services via advanced Web technology: the main objective of the project is to provide a comprehensive framework and infrastructure that integrates complementary and evolutionary technical advances (i.e., SOA, context management, Web principles, Web 2.0 and Semantic Web) into a coherent and domain-independent service delivery platform.
Title: Pushing dynamic and ubiquitous interaction between services Leveraged in the Future Internet by ApplYing complex event processing
Defi: Internet of Services, Software & Virtualisation
Instrument: Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP)
Duration: October 2010 - September 2013
Coordinator: FZI (Germany)
Others partners: EBM WebSourcing (Fr), INRIA (OASIS and SARDES) (Fr), France Telecom (Fr), ICCS (Gr), Ecole des Mines Albi (Fr), CIM (Serbia).
See also:
Abstract: The PLAY project will develop and validate an elastic and reliable architecture for dynamic and complex, event-driven interaction in large highly distributed and heterogeneous service systems. Such an architecture will enable ubiquitous exchange of information between heterogeneous services, providing the possibilities to adapt and personalize their execution, resulting in the so-called situational-driven process adaptivity. The OASIS Team is in charge of designing the key element of the PLAY Platform: the event cloud that is a publish/subscribe P2P based system, developed using the GCM technology.
Title: TEstbed for Future Internet Services
Defi: Future Internet Experimental Facility and Experimentally-driven Research
Instrument: Integrated Project (IP)
Duration: June 2010 - November 2012
Coordinator: THALES Services SAS (France)
Others partners: Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. (It); IT Innovation (UK); Fundação de Apoio à Universidade de São Paulo (Br); Thales Communications (Fr); ActiveEon (Fr); Lulea University of Technology (Se); Software Quality System S.A. (Es); Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS (De)
See also:
Abstract: TEstbed for Future Internet Services (TEFIS) is a Large-Scale Integrating Project funded by the European Seventh Framework Programme, under the ICT research area and, more precisely, around the theme of Future Internet Experimental Facility and Experimentally-driven Research.
Internet is more and more used by services and applications as the common communication infrastructure. However, the Internet and Software industry is facing two main challenges. The first one is that Internet is progressively reaching a saturation point in meeting an ever increasing variety of user expectations. The second one is that the increasing complexity of ICT environments (user communities, network heterogeneity, multiplicity of terminals and platforms) is paralysing testing processes for the assessment of Internet-based services at large-scale. Product and business developers must be able to rapidly satisfy and anticipate user requirements while testing and sizing their applications and services, being sure to constantly have the right amount of reactivity with regards to market demands.
To address these challenges, TEFIS will provide an open platform to enable the design, dimensioning and user-centric validation of innovative applications and services on top of upcoming Future Internet technologies. The TEFIS platform will be a central access point to heterogeneous and complementary experimental facilities addressing the full development lifecycle of innovative services with the appropriate tools and testing methodologies.
Title: Future Internet Core Platform
Defi: PPP FI: Technology Foundation: Future Internet Core Platform
Instrument: Integrated Project (IP)
Duration: May 2011 - April 2014
Coordinator: Telefonica (Spain)
Others partners: Alcatel-Lucent (De,It); Atos Origin (Sp); Deutsche Telecom (De); Engineering - Ingegneria Informatica (It); Ericsson (Se); France Telecom (Fr); Fraunhofer GFD (De); Angewandten Forschung (De); IBM Israel Science And Technology (Il,Ch) IBM Research (Is); INRIA (Fr); INTEL Performance Learning Solutions (Ir); NEC Europe (UK); Nokia Siemens Networks (Ge,Hu,Fi); SAP (Ge); SIEMENS (Ge); Telecom Italia (It); Thales Communications (Fr); Technicolor SNC (Fr); Universita Di Roma La Sapienza (It); Universitaet Duisburg-Essen (De); University of Surrey (UK); Universidad Politecnica De Madrid (Es)
See also:
Abstract: The high-level goal of the FI-WARE project is to build the Core Platform of the Future Internet, introducing an innovative infrastructure for cost-effective creation and delivery of versatile digital services, providing high QoS and security guarantees.