Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Program: Cosinus
Project acronym: OMD2
Project title: Optimisation Multidisciplinaire
Duration: jan 2009 - jun 2012
Coordinator: Renault
Other partners: INRIA, ENSM-SE, UTC, ECP, IRCCyN, ENS CACHAN, CD-adapco, SIREHNA, ACTIVEEON, Digiteo (all french)
Abstract: The aim of this project is to define, develop and experiment a collaborative platform of multidisciplinary optimization - As "platform" we consider here a software environment hosting heterogeneous code and data, geographically distributed in equally heterogeneous machines. These codes can be sequential or parallel. These machines can be data servers, supercomputers, PC farms, etc. - As "collaborative" we consider this environment to be able to host, control and allow communication of these codes transparently for the user, according to their own work habits. - As "multidisciplinary optimization", we consider the collection of methods and numerical tools, objects of the other tasks in OMD2 and previously realized during project OMD. It has been decided that ProActive will be used as middleware for communication between machines, and that the ProActive Scheduler will be used as a basis for the collaborative platform. Similarly, Scilab will be used as a common language to describe optimization strategies.
Program: Arpège
Project acronym: SocEDA
Project title: Plate-forme EDA sociale, largement distribuée pour l'informatique dans les nuages
Duration: nov. 2010 - oct. 2013
Coordinator: EBM WebSourcing
Other partners: ActiveEon, Ecole des Mines Albi, I3S CNRS (OASIS), CNRS/LIG (SARDES), INSA Lyon/LIRIS, France Telecom, INRIA Lille (ADAM), THALES communications.
See also:
Abstract: The goal of SocEDA is to build a flexible, elastic and efficient platform for handling events generated by services deployed on top of federated and distributed enterprise service buses. To scale up and be highly configurable, the platform will be designed as a GCM based application built along Peer-to-peer principles for scalability and robustness, and deployed on Grid/Cloud hybrid environments. Publications/subscriptions will be organized along social links that may exist between the deployed services.
FUI CompatibleOne
Program: FUI
Project acronym: CompatibleOne
Project title: CompatibleOne
Duration: aug. 2010 - oct. 2013
Coordinator: Bull
Other partners: ActiveEon, Bull, CityPassenger, eNovance, INRIA, Institut Télécom, Mandriva, Nexedi, Nuxeo, OW2, Prologue, XWiki
See also:
Abstract: The competitiveness cluster Systematic, in Ile de France, has launched the Compatible One project, also labelled by the SCS cluster. The goal is to define an open solution for IaaS and PaaS. The CompatibleOne project identifies, aggregates and integrates leading open source technologies into a rich and comprehensive 'cloudware' stack. CompatibleOne is developing a meta-model-based framework for the abstraction of the configuration, management and integration of these technologies. This 'cloudware' framework, based on open, common standards and leading open source technologies, will offer cloud builders the greatest possible interoperability