
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1J. Cagnol, M. Polis, J. P. Zolésio (editors)

    Shape optimization and optimal design, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 2001, vol. 216, ii+442 p.
  • 2B. Andreianov, P. Goatin, N. Seguin.

    Finite volume schemes for locally constrained conservation laws, in: Numer. Math., 2010, vol. 115, no 4, p. 609–645, With supplementary material available online.

  • 3R. M. Colombo, P. Goatin.

    A well posed conservation law with a variable unilateral constraint, in: J. Differential Equations, 2007, vol. 234, no 2, p. 654–675.

  • 4M. Delfour, J. P. Zolésio.

    Shapes and geometries, Advances in Design and Control, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Philadelphia, PA, 2001, Analysis, differential calculus, and optimization.
  • 5R. Duvigneau, D. Pelletier.

    A sensitivity equation method for fast evaluation of nearby flows and uncertainty analysis for shape parameters, in: Int. J. of Computational Fluid Dynamics, August 2006, vol. 20, no 7, p. 497–512.
  • 6R. Duvigneau, M. Visonneau.

    Hybrid genetic algorithms and artificial neural networks for complex design optimization in CFD, in: Int. J. for Numerical Methods in Fluids, April 2004, vol. 44, no 11, p. 1257-1278.
  • 7R. Duvigneau, M. Visonneau.

    Optimization of a synthetic jet actuator for aerodynamic stall control, in: Computers and Fluids, July 2006, vol. 35, p. 624–638.
  • 8R. Dziri, J. P. Zolésio.

    Tube Derivative and Shape-Newton Method, INRIA, December 2002, no 4676.

  • 9J.-A. Désidéri.

    Split of Territories in Concurrent Optimization, INRIA, October 2007, no 6108.

  • 10J.-A. Désidéri.

    Hierarchical Shape Optimization : Cooperation and Competition in Multidisciplinary Approaches, in: 24th IFIP TC 7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, Buenos Aires (Argentina), 27-31 July 2009, 2009, Invited Plenary Lecture.
  • 11J.-A. Désidéri.

    Multiple-Gradient Descent Algorithm (MGDA), INRIA, 2009, no 6953.

  • 12J.-A. Désidéri.

    Modèles discrets et schémas itératifs. Application aux algorithmes multigrilles et multidomaines, Editions Hermès, Paris, 1998.
  • 13P. Goatin.

    The Aw-Rascle vehicular traffic flow model with phase transitions, in: Math. Comput. Modelling, 2006, vol. 44, no 3-4, p. 287–303.

  • 14P. Goatin, P. G. LeFloch.

    The Riemann problem for a class of resonant hyperbolic systems of balance laws, in: Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire, 2004, vol. 21, no 6, p. 881–902.

  • 15A. Habbal.

    Generation of Optimal Periodic Oscillations for the Control of Boundary Layers., in: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2002, vol. 41, no 3, p. 712-722.
  • 16A. Habbal.

    A Topology Nash Game for Tumoral Anti-Angiogenesis., in: Journal of Structural Multidisciplinary Optimization, November 2005, vol. 30, no 5, p. 404-412.
  • 17A. Habbal, M. Thellner, J. Petersson.

    Multidisciplinary topology optimization solved as a Nash game., in: Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng, 2004, vol. Volume 61, Issue 7, p. 949-963.
  • 18B. Kawohl, O. Pironneau, L. Tartar, J. P. Zolésio.

    Optimal shape design, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2000, vol. 1740, Lectures given at the Joint C.I.M./C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Tróia, June 1–6, 1998, Edited by A. Cellina and A. Ornelas, Fondazione C.I.M.E.. [C.I.M.E. Foundation].
  • 19N. Marco, S. Lanteri, J.-A. Désidéri, B. Mantel, J. Périaux.

    A parallelized Genetic Algorithm for a 2-D shape optimum design problem, in: Surveys on Mathematics for Industry, 2000, vol. 9, p. 207-221.
  • 20T. Nguyen, J.-A. Désidéri, J. Périaux.

    Distributed Workflows for Multi-physics Applications in Aeronautics, in: Computer Supported Collaborative Work in Design, Xian, Chine, IEEE (editor), Xian Jiao Tong University, 2008.

  • 21T. Nguyen, V. Selmin.

    Collaborative Multidisciplinary Design in Virtual Environments, in: Computer Supported Collaborative Work in Design, Nanjing, Chine, Nanjing University, 2006.

  • 22T. Nguyen, L. Trifan, J.-A. Désidéri.

    A Distributed Workflow Platform for Simulation, in: The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences, Florence, Italie, IARIA, October 2010.

  • 23T. Nguyen, L. Trifan, J.-A. Désidéri.

    Resilient Workflows for High-Performance Simulation Platforms, in: The 2010 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2010), Caen, France, June 2010.

  • 24T. Nguyen, L. Trifan, J.-A. Désidéri.

    Robust Workflows for Large-Scale Multiphysics Simulation, in: Fifth European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Lisbonne, Portugal, June 2010.

  • 25C. Ramananjaona, M. Lambert, D. Lesselier, J. P. Zolésio.

    Shape reconstruction of buried obstacles by controlled evolution of a level set: from a min-max formulation to numerical experimentation, in: Inverse Problems, 2002, vol. 17, no 4, p. 1087–1111, An International Journal on the Theory and Practice of Inverse Problems, Inverse Methods and Computerized Inversion of Data.
Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 26M. Bompard.

    Modèles de substitution pour l'optimisation globale de forme en aérodynamique et méthode locale sans paramétrisation, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis (Ecole Doctorale SFA), December 2011.

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journal

  • 27L. Almeida, P. Bagnerini, A. Habbal, S. Noselli, F. Serman.

    A Mathematical Model for Dorsal Closure, in: Journal of Theoretical Biology, January 2011, vol. 268, no 1, p. 105-119. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.09.029 ]

  • 28S. Blandin, D. Work, P. Goatin, B. Piccoli, A. Bayen.

    A general phase transition model for vehicular traffic, in: SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2011, vol. 71, no 1, p. 107-127, to appear on SIAM J. Appl. Math..

  • 29B. Chaigne, J.-A. Désidéri.

    Convergence of a two-level ideal algorithm for a parametric shape inverse model problem, in: Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 2011, vol. 19, no 3, p. 363 - 393.
  • 30R. M. Colombo, P. Goatin, M. D. Rosini.

    On the Modeling and Management of Traffic, in: ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 2011, vol. 45, no 5, p. 853-872. [ DOI : 10.1051/m2an/2010105 ]

  • 31R. Duvigneau, P. Chandrashekar.

    Kriging-based optimization applied to flow control, in: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2011. [ DOI : 10.1002/fld.2657 ]

  • 32R. Dziri, J. P. Zolésio.

    Drag reduction for Non Cylindrical Navier-Stokes Flows, in: Optimization Methods and Software, 2011, vol. 26, no 4-5, p. 575-600.
  • 33J.-A. Désidéri.

    Cooperation and Competition in Multidisciplinary Optimization - Application to the aero-structural aircraft wing shape optimization, in: Computational Optimization and Applications, 2011. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10589-011-9395-1 ]

  • 34M. Garavello, P. Goatin.

    The Aw-Rascle traffic model with locally constrained flow, in: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and applications, 2011, vol. 378, no 2, p. 634-648. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.jmaa.2011.01.033 ]

  • 35G. Xu, B. Mourrain, R. Duvigneau, A. Galligo.

    Optimal analysis-aware parameterization of computational domain in 3D isogeometric analysis, in: Computer-Aided Design, August 2011. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.cad.2011.05.007 ]

  • 36G. Xu, B. Mourrain, R. Duvigneau, A. Galligo.

    Parametrization of computational domain in isogeometric analysis: methods and comparison, in: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, April 2011, vol. 200, no 23-24, p. 2021-2031. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.cma.2011.03.005 ]


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 37M. Bompard, J. Peter, F. Renac, G. Carrier, J.-A. Désidéri.

    Two-Dimensional Aerodynamic Optimization Using the Discrete Adjoint Method with or without Parameterization, in: 41st AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, Honolulu, 27-30 June 2011, no AIAA-2011-3073.
  • 38I. Ghazlane, G. Carrier, A. Dumont, M. Marcelet, J.-A. Désidéri.

    Aerostructural Optimization with the Adjoint Method, in: EUROGEN 2011, Capua, Italie, CIRA (editor), 2011.

  • 39T. Nguyen, L. Trifan, J.-A. Desideri.

    A Workflow Platform for Simulation on Grids, in: ICNS2011, Venise, Italie, IARIA (editor), IARIA, May 2011.

  • 40T. Nguyen, L. Trifan, J.-A. Desideri.

    Resilient Workflows for Cooperative Design, in: CSCWD2011, Lausanne, Suisse, EPFL, July 2011.

  • 41T. Nguyen, L. Trifan.

    A Dynamic Workflow Simulation Platform, in: HPCS2011, Istanbul, Turquie, HPCS, July 2011.

  • 42G. Xu, B. Mourrain, R. Duvigneau, A. Galligo.

    Variational Harmonic Method for Parameterization of Computational Domain in 2D Isogeometric Analysis, in: 12th International CAD/Graphics 2011 conference, Jinan, Chine, C. T. Ralph Martin (editor), September 2011.

  • 43J. P. Zolésio.

    Shape Morphic Metrics, in: Modern Aspects of the Theory of Partial Differential Equations, Basel, Operator Theory: Adavances and Applications, Birkhaüser, 2011, vol. 216, p. 156-172.

Conferences without Proceedings

  • 44R. Duvigneau, P. Chandrashekar.

    Comparison of Some Approaches to Couple Evolutionary Methods and Metamodeling Techniques for Fast Global Optimization with Application to Aerodynamic Design, in: Int. Conf. on Ind. and Applied Math., Vancouver, Canada, July 2011.

Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 45L. Bociu, J. P. Zolésio.

    Linearization of a coupled system of nonlinear elasticity and viscous fluid, in: Modern Aspects of the Theory of Partial Differential Equations, Basel, Operator Theory: Adavances and Applications, Birkhaüser, Basel, 2011, vol. 216, p. 346-367.
  • 46M. Delfour, J. P. Zolésio.

    Shapes and geometries, Advances in Design and Control, Second, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Philadelphia, PA, 2011, vol. 22, Metrics, analysis, differential calculus, and optimization.

Internal Reports

Other Publications

  • 51R. Aboulaich, A. Habbal, N. Moussaid.

    Study of different strategies for splitting variables in multidisciplinary topology optimization, 2011.

  • 52L. Almeida, P. Bagnerini, A. Habbal.

    Modeling actin cable contraction, 2011.

  • 53É. Baratchart.

    Simulation Numérique en Aérodynamique et Optimisation bi-Objectif par Algorithme de Nash, Août 2011, Rapport de stage d'application, ENSEIRB MATMÉCA, Bordeaux.
  • 54N. El-Khatib, P. Goatin, M. D. Rosini.

    On entropy weak solutions of Hughes' model for pedestrian motion, 2011.

  • 55A. Habbal, M. Kallel.

    Data Completion Problems Solved as Nash Games, 2011.

  • 56M. Kallel, R. Aboulaich, A. Habbal, M. Moakher.

    A Nash-game approach to joint image restoration and segmentation, 2011.

References in notes
  • 57L. Cambier, M. Gazaix.

    elsA: An Efficient Object-Oriented Solution to CFD Complexity, in: 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 2002, no AIAA Paper 02-0108.
  • 58J.-A. Désidéri.

    Multiple-Gradient Descent Algorithm (MGDA), INRIA, 2009, no 6953.

  • 59M. Garavello, P. Goatin.

    The Cauchy problem at a node with buffer, in: Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. A, 2012.

  • 60A. R. George, R. Seebass.

    Sonic boom minimization, in: Acoustical Society of America, 1972, vol. 51, p. 686-694.
  • 61D. Knowles.

    Approximating the nondominated front using the Pareto Archived Evolution Strategy, in: Evolutionary Computation, MIT Press, 2000, vol. 8, no 2.
  • 62J. F. Wang.

    Optimisation Distribuée Multicritère par Algorithmes Génétiques et Théorie des Jeux & Application à la Simulation Numérique de Problèmes d'Hypersustentation en Aérodynamique, Université de Paris 6, 2001.