Section: New Results
Compilation techniques for synchronous languages
The paper Modular Static Scheduling of Synchronous Data-flow Programs by M. Pouzet and P. Raymond (VERIMAG Grenoble) has been selected among the two best papers at EMSOFT 2009. An extended version is published in a special issue of the Journal of Design Automation for Embedded Systems, in 2010. This work solves a 20 years problem raised by P. Raymond in 88 [59] .
Significant extensions have been provided to the Heptagon language. C. Pasteur contributed a memory optimization pass, combining a static analysis with user-given annotations (a paper on this subject is submitted to LCTES'2012), and the integration of discrete controller synthesis, developed and used by the SARDES team at INRIA Rhones-Alpes. Other work-in-progress extensions and experiments conducted inside the PARKAS team include the generation of VHDL code, parallel code generation, and n-synchronous code generation from Lucy-n.