Section: Dissemination
Animation of the scientific community
Charles Consel has been involved in the following events as:
Program Committee member of
Invited speaker at
Guest Editor for the Annals of Telecommunications, Springer
Member of the scientific commitee on “GDR génie de la programmation du logiciel” (CNRS)
Member of the steering committee of the International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE)
Member of the IFIP WG on Program Generation
Member of the Inria working group on research and perspectives in the domain “Réseaux, systèmes et services, calcul distribué”
French representative for IFIP TC2 "Software Theory and Practice"
Member of the AERES evaluation committee of the I3S laboratory (UMR 6070), Sophia-Antipolis
Charles Consel has participated in the following thesis defense committees:
Henner Jakob, June 27, University of Bordeaux, France
Damien Cassou, March 17, University of Bordeaux, France
Julien Mercadal, October 10, University of Bordeaux, France
Adrienne Tankeu Choitat, December 16, University of Toulouse, France
Emilie Balland has been involved as in the following events as:
Reviewer of the journal “Science of Computer Programming”
Program Committee member of
Local chair of
Member of the Inria local committee on Popular Science Events
Member of the IFIP WG on Program Generation
Participation of the Phoenix Inria project team in the following events:
"Les Rencontres du Numérique éducatif et culturel" on assistive technology for autistic children at school, March 2011
“Fête de la science” (national popular science event), October 2011
“Journées Eurêka” (regional popular science event), October 2011
Rencontre Inria Idustries “Les sciences du numérique au service de la santé à domicile et de l'autonomie”, October 2011
Signature of the convention on disability with FIPHFP (Fonds pour l'Insertion des Personnes Handicapées dans la Fonction Publique) by Inria, November 2011