Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

Integrating non-functional properties in a Design Language and its execution environment – Industrial Fellowship (CIFRE / Thales)

Participants : Charles Consel, Emilie Balland, Stéphanie Gatti, Quentin Enard.

The goal of this project is to add non-functional properties in the DiaSpec language and in the DiaGen generator. More especially, these non-functional properties are considered on three different levels:

  • The component level. The non-functional properties define temporal, physical and software constraints restrictive for a component.

  • The component coupling level. The non-functional properties define the dependency between the components as well as the Quality of Service provided and required by each component of the environment.

  • The software architecture level. The non-functional properties describe the resources that must be allocated to a component (memory, processing capacity). They also define the necessary resources for a component to interact with other components (network QoS).

This work will be illustrated and validated with a concrete application in the avionics domain.