Section: Application Domains
As the acoustic propagation in a fluid at rest can be described by a scalar equation, it is generally considered by applied mathematicians as a simple preliminary step for more complicated (vectorial) models. However, several difficult questions concerning coupling problems have occupied our attention recently. Aeroacoustics, or more precisely, acoustic propagation in a moving compressible fluid, is for our team a new and very challenging topic, which gives rise to a lot of open questions, from the modeling (Euler equations, Galbrun equations) to the numerical approximation of such models (which poses new difficulties). Our works in this area are partially supported by EADS and Airbus. The typical objective is to reduce the noise radiated by Airbus planes. Vibroacoustics, which concerns the interaction between sound propagation and vibrations of thin structures, also raises up a lot of relevant research subjects.
Both applications (Aeroacoustics and Vibroacoustics) led us in particular to develop an academic research between volumis methods and integral equations in time domain.
Finally, A particularly attractive application concerns the simulation of musical instruments, whose objectives are both a better understanding of the behavior of existing instruments and an aid for the manufacturing of new instruments. The modeling and simulation of the timpani and of the guitar have been carried out in collaboration with A. Chaigne of ENSTA. We are currently on the piano.