
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1I. Abalakin, A. Dervieux, T. Kozubskaya.

    On the accuracy of direct noise calculations based on the Euler model, in: Computational Aeroacoustics, G. Raman (editor), Multi-Science Publishing, Brentwood, UK, 2008, p. 141-166.
  • 2B. Braconnier, B. Nkonga.

    Relaxation method for low Mach number compressible multiphase flow, in: Journal of Computational Physics, 2009, vol. 228(16), p. 5722-5739.
  • 3P. Degond, F. Deluzet, A. Sangam, M.-H. Vignal.

    An Asymptotic Preserving scheme for the Euler equations in a strong magnetic field, in: J. Comput. Phys., 2009, vol. 228, no 10, p. 3540–3558. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.jcp.2008.12.040 ]
  • 4H. Guillard, F. Duval.

    A Darcy law for the drift velocity in a two-phase model., in: J. Comput. Phys., 2007, vol. 224, p. 288–313.
  • 5P.-H. Maire, B. Nkonga.

    Multi-scale Godunov-type method for cell-centered discrete Lagrangian hydrodynamics, in: Journal of Computational Physics, 2009, vol. 228(3), p. 799-821.
  • 6A. Murrone, H. Guillard.

    On the behavior of upwind schemes in the low Mach number limit: III. Preconditioned dissipation for a five equation two phase model, in: Computers and Fluids, 2008, vol. 37, p. 1209-1224.
  • 7R. Pasquetti.

    Spectral vanishing viscosity method for large-eddy simulation of turbulent flows, in: J. Sci. Comp., 2006, vol. 27(1-3), p. 365-375.
  • 8M.-V. Salvetti, H. Ouvrard, B. Koobus, S. Camarri, A. Dervieux.

    A Hybrid Model Based on Continuous Fluctuation Corrections, Inria, 2008, INRIA RR-6564.
  • 9A. Sangam.

    An HLLC scheme for Ten-Moments approximation coupled with magnetic field, in: Int. J. Comput. Sci. Math., 2008, vol. 2, no 1/2, p. 73–109. [ DOI : 10.1504/IJCSM.2008.019724 ]
  • 10C. Xu, R. Pasquetti.

    Stabilized spectral element computations of high-Reynolds number incompressible flows, in: J. of Comp. Phys., 2004, vol. 196-2, p. 680-704.
Publications of the year

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journal

  • 11C. Berthon, B. Dubroca, A. Sangam.

    A local entropy minimum principle for deriving entropy preserving schemes, in: SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, 2012, accepted for publication.
  • 12A. Bonnement, T. Fajraoui, H. Guillard, M. Martin, A. Mouton, B. Nkonga, A. Sangam.

    Finite volume method in curvilinear coordinates for hyperbolic conservation laws, in: ESAIM:Proc., 2011, vol. 32, p. 163-176.
  • 13A. Bourgeade, B. Nkonga.

    Numerical simulations of the focal spot generated by a set of laser beams, in: ESAIM: Proc., 2011, vol. 32, p. 1-17.
  • 14J. Guermond, R. Pasquetti, B. Popov.

    Entropy viscosity method for non-linear conservation laws, in: J. of Comp. Phys., 2011, vol. 230 (11), p. 4248-4267.
  • 15L. Lancia, M. Grech, S. Weber, J.-R. Marques, L. Romagnani, M. Nakatsutsumi, P. Antici, A. Bellue, N. Bourgeois, J.-L. Feugeas, T. Grismayer, T. Lin, P. Nicolaï, B. Nkonga, P. Audebert, R. Kodama, V. T. Tikhonchuk, J. Fuchs.

    Anomalous self-generated electrostatic fields in nanosecond laser-plasma interaction, in: Phys. Plasmas, 2011, vol. 18(1).
  • 16M. Salvetti, H. Ouvrard, B. Koobus, S. Wornom, S. Camarri, A. Dervieux.

    Simulation of the flow past a circular cylinder in the supercritical regime by blending RANS and variational-multiscale LES approaches, in: Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2012, accepted.
  • 17S. Wornom, H. Ouvrard, M. Salvetti, B. Koobus, A. Dervieux.

    Classical and Variational Multiscale Large-Eddy Simulations of the Flow past a Circular Cylinder : Reynolds number effects, in: Computer and Fluids, 2011, vol. 47, p. 44-50.

International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 18H. Guillard, M. Bilanceri, F. Beux, I. Elmahi, M.-V. Salvetti.

    A Comparison of two Finite Volume methods for Implicit Time Advancing in the Simulation of a 2D Sediment Transport Problem, in: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources (MAMERN'11), B. Amaziane, D. Barrera, H. Mraoui, M. Rodriguez, D. Sbibih (editors), EUG, 2011.
  • 19H. Guillard, M. Bilanceri, F. Beux, I. Elmahi, M.-V. Salvetti.

    Comparison of explicit and implicit time advancing in the simulation of a 2D Sediment transport problem, in: FVCA6 : Finite Volume for Complex Applications VI, Prague, Czech Republic, J. Fořt, J. Fürst, J. Halama, R. Herbin, F. Hubert (editors), Springer proceedings in Mathematics, vol 4, 2011, p. 135-145.


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 20A. Belme, S. Wornom, B. Koobus, A. Dervieux, M.-V. Salvetti.

    Assessment of VMS-LES and hybrid RANS/VMS-LES models, in: AIMETA 2011, September 12-15 2011.
  • 21A. Bonnement, H. Guillard, B. Nkonga, R. Pasquetti.

    Simulations numériques de phénomènes anisotropes pour la Fusion par Confinement Magnétique, in: CFM11, Congrè Francais de mécanique, August 28 - September 2 2011.

Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 22J. Guermond, R. Pasquetti, B. Popov.

    From suitable weak solutions to entropy viscosity, in: Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations IIERCOFTAC Series, 1, 2011, vol. 16, Part 3, p. 373-390.
  • 23B. Koobus, F. Alauzet, A. Dervieux.

    , Numerical algorithms for unstructured meshesF. Magoules (editor), CRC Press, Boca Raton, London, New York, Washington D.C., 2012, to appear.
  • 24H. Ouvrard, M. Salvetti, S. Camarri, S. Wornom, A. Dervieux, B. Koobus.

    , LES, variational multiscale LES and hybrid modelsF. Magoules (editor), CRC Press, Boca Raton, London, New York, Washington D.C., 2012, to appear.
References in notes
  • 25A. N. Kolmogorov.

    The local structure of turbulence in incompressible viscous fluid for very large Reynolds numbers, in: Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences 30, 1941, p. 299-303.