Section: Software


Participants : Hervé Guillard [contact] , Laure Combe.

The developement of PlaTo (A platform for Tokamak simulation) (http://www-sop.inria.fr/pumas/plato.php ) is being supported by an ADT action of the D2T. PlaTo is a suite of data and softwares dedicated to the geometry and physics of Tokamaks and its main objective is to provide the Inria large scale initiative “FUSION” teams working in plasma fluid models with a common development tool. The construction of this platform will integrate the following developments.

  1. A (small) database corresponding to axi-symmetrical solutions of the equilibrium plasma equations for realistic geometrical and magnetic configurations (ToreSupra, JET and ITER). The construction of meshes always takes considerable time. Plato will provide meshes and solutions corresponding to equilibrium solutions that will be used as initial data for more complex computations.

  2. A set of tool for the handling, manipulation and transformation of meshes and solutions using different discretisations (P1, Q1, P3, etc)

  3. Numerical templates allowing the use of 3D discretization schemes using finite element schemes in the poloidal plane and spectral Fourier or structured finite volume representations in the toroidal plane.

  4. Several applications (Ideal MHD and drift approximation) used in the framework of the Inria large scale initiative “FUSION”.

This year, after a definition of the PlaTo architecture, the points 1. and 2. have been developped.