Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

Conference Program Committees

  • On behalf of GAMNI, H. Guillard is member of the Committee ”Computational Fluid Dynamics“ of ECCOMAS : European Community of Computational Methods in Applied Sciences

  • H. Guillard was member of the scientific committee of the FVCA6 conference held in June 2011 in Prague - Czech republic.

Editorial activities

  • H. Guillard has been the guest editor in charge of the section Fusion Plasma of the special issue of the Journal of computational physics (Volume 231, Issue 3, February 2012) devoted to Computational Plasma physics.

  • E. Sonnendrucker (EPI CALVI) and H. Guillard have been editors of the proceedings of NMCF09 (Numerical Models for Controlled Fusion 09) in a special issue of the journal Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series S DCDS-S 5-2 April 2012.

  • E. Cancès, N. Crouseilles, H. Guillard, B. Nkonga and E. Sonnendrücker have been editors of the proceedings of CEMRACS'10 research achievements: Numerical modeling of fusion in the journal ESAIM: Proceedings Vol. 32 (October 2011)

Ph.D. thesis and HDR Committees

Alain Dervieux was in the PhD jury of

Géraldine Olivier, Paris 6, 22 april 2011

Anca Belme, University of Nice, 8 december 2011

and acted as “rapporteur” for the PhD Thesis of :

Thibaud Marcel, Toulouse, 16 november 2011

Hervé Guillard was in the PhD jury of :

Damien Fournier, PhD Thesis, "Analyse et Développement de Méthodes de Raffinement hp en Espace pour l’Equation de Transport des Neutrons ", University of Provence, October 10 2011

and acted as “rapporteur” for the PhD Thesis of :

Floraine Cordier, "Numerical methods for limit problems in two-phase flow problems", Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, 14 Novembre 2011

Walid Kheriji, “Méthode de correction de pression pour les équations de Navier-Stokes compressibles”, University of Provence, 28 Novembre 2011

Pierre-Elie Normand, " Application de méthodes d'ordre élevé en éléments finis pour l'aérodynamique", Université de Bordeaux 1, 13 Décembre 2011

Boniface Nkonga was as chair in the PhD jury of

M. Kraushaar , Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse.

A. Ratnani , Université de Strasbourg.

acted as “rapporteur” for the PhD Thesis defences of

J. Verghaegen , Université de Marseille, 2011,

G. Olivier , Université Pierre et Marie CURIE ( Paris VI ).

and as “rapporteur” for the HDR defence of

G. Tchuen , Univ. of Provence, Marseille.

R. Pasquetti was in the PhD jury of the following thesis defences:

Laura Lazar, University of Nice, 19-04-2011

Luca Biancofiore, University of Nice, 06-06-2011

Adel Haddad, (Chair), University of Provence, 15-12-2011