Section: Scientific Foundations
Quality of Service and Transport layer for Future Networks
Participants : Isabelle Guérin-Lassous, Paulo Gonçalves, Thomas Begin, Laurent Lefèvre, Guilherme Koslovski, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Thiago Abreu, Doreid Ammar.
Recently, network operators have observed profound changes in the daily traffic. The number of applications that generate traffic has tremendously grown up. Numerous delay-sensitive applications (e.g., Telephony over IP) and resource-intensive applications (e.g., streaming video) are constantly emerging. This steady increase of applications, combined with intensive use, has significantly affected the utilization level of networking resources, and it might, ultimately, cause significant network congestions and performance disruptions. Therefore, quality of service issues are still open problems that require adapted solutions.
We investigate quality of service solutions for future networks. In particular, we focus our studies on the evaluation of key parameters for quality of service solutions, like for instance the remaining available bandwidth for wireless networks or the use of routers' links in function of time and space. The integration of the dynamics of these parameters is one of our main goals. This work implies the design of algorithms and performance evaluation studies carried out analytically, by simulation or by experimentation.