Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


Participants : Isabelle Guérin Lassous, Thomas Begin, Paulo Gonçalves.

The project MobIle SubStitutIOn Networks (MISSION) is focused on the performance study, the possibilities and the feasibility to deploy a fleet of mobile wireless routers to help a wired network that can not offered its services anymore. This project deals with the theoretical apsects as the practical aspects of such a deployment. From a theoretical point of view, one problem is to minimize the number of used routers while rebuilding the network to replace. The main difficulty lies in the possibility to offer the services provided by the wired network in a transparent way. The controlled mobility allows a redeployment or an adaptation of the built network according to the needs or to the on-going traffic on the network. This controlled mobility should improve the network performance.

GRID5000: ADT Aladdin

Participants : Laurent Lefèvre, Gelas Jean-Patrick, Olivier Glück, Paulo Gonçalves, Matthieu Imbert, Armel Soro, Olivier Mornard, Jean-Christophe Mignot, Diouri Mohammed, Orgerie Anne-Cécile.

ENS Lyon is involved in the GRID'5000 project, which is an experimental Grid platform gathering ten sites geographically distributed in France. ENS Lyon hardware contribution is done for now by two distinct set of computers. The Grid5000 of Lyon comprises now around 300 processors interconnected with the 10 Gbit per second network. Lyon site is nationaly recognized to gather the "networking expertize" with skilled researchers and engineers and dedicated networking equipments (Metroflux, GNET10...). Lyon site also hosts an important part of the Green Grid5000 infrastructure by hosting a set of 1500 wattmeters and exposing energy measurements to the Grid5000 community.

RESO is strongly involved in the choices of Grid5000's network components and architecture. Laurent Lefèvre is member of the national committee (comité de direction) of GRID'5000, of the Aladdin scientific committee and responsible of the Lyon site.


Participants : Isabelle Guérin Lassous, Thomas Begin, Paulo Gonçalves, Thiago Abreu.

Access and metropolitan networks are much more limited in capacity than core networks. While the latter operate in over-provisioning mode, access and metropolitan networks may experience high overload due to evolution of the traffic or failures. In wired networks, some failures (but not all) are handled by rerouting the traffic through a backup network already in place. In developed countries, backup networks are adopted wherever possible (note that this is generally not the case for the links between end users and their local DSLAM). Such a redundant strategy may not be possible in emerging countries because of cost issues. When dedicated backup networks are not available, some operators use their 3G infrastructure to recover some specific failures; although such an alternative helps avoid full network outage, it is a costly solution. Furthermore, availability of 3G coverage is still mainly concentrated in metropolitan zones. When no backup networks are available, it would be interesting to deploy, for a limited time corresponding to the period of the problem (i.e., failure or traffic overload), a substitution network to help the base network keep providing services to users.

In the RESCUE project (2010-2013), we will investigate both the underlying mechanisms and the deployment of a substitution network composed of a fleet of dirigible wireless mobile routers. Unlike many projects and other scientific works that consider mobility as a drawback, in RESCUE we use the controlled mobility of the substitution network to help the base network reduce contention or to create an alternative network in case of failure. The advantages of an on-the-fly substitution network are manifold: Reusability and cost reduction; Deployability; Adaptability.

The RESCUE project addresses both the theoretical and the practical aspects of the deployment of a substitution network. From a theoretical point of view, we will propose a two-tiered architecture including the base network and the substitution network. This architecture will describe the deployment procedures of the mobile routing devices, the communication stack, the protocols, and the services. The design of this architecture will take into account some constraints such as quality of service and energy consumption (since mobile devices are autonomous), as we want the substitution network to provide more than a best effort service. From a practical point of view, we will provide a proof of concept, the architecture linked to this concept, and the necessary tools (e.g., traffic monitoring, protocols) to validate the concept and mechanisms of on-the-fly substitution networks. At last but not least, we will validate the proposed system both in laboratory testbeds and in a real-usage scenario.


FUI CompatibleOne Project

Participants : Laurent Lefèvre, Jean-Patrick Gelas, Olivier Mornard, Maxime Morel.

The project CompatibleOne (Nov 2010-Nov 2012) funded by the Fonds Unique Interministériel (FUI) is dealing with the building of a Cloud architecture open software stack.

In this project, RESO is focused on the design and provisioning of energy aware and energy efficient components in order to include energy aspects in QoS, SLAs and billing in clouds architectures. RESO is leading the task T3.4 on energy management and will participate in activities on virtual machines design and migration.

CompatibleOne is an open source project with the aim of providing inter-operable middle-ware for the description and federation of heterogeneous clouds comprising resources provisioned by different cloud providers. Services provided by INRIA RESO participation (module COEES) should allow to act on the system's core by offering a scenario for the broker using energy constraints. These constraints should allow virtual machines placement and displacement using energy profile. Collected data must be available for CO and other systems for future researches. INRIA RESO took part in the analysis of the specification of the system. Mainly, we are in charge of the energy efficiency module. We also had participation in several modules like COMONS (monitoring module), ACCORDS (brokering module), EZVM (virtualization module) and CONETS (networking module). To make energy measurement, we used hardware probes and we studied software probes too. We evaluated several probes providers like Eaton and Schleifenbauer which provide smart PDU (Power Distribution Unit). We also evaluated IPMI board provided by DELL, our computers manufacturer, and OmegaWatt, a small company which provides custom hardware for energy measurement. To allow the exploitation of these probes, we made a first version of a software library and file format for data and monitoring daemon. To allow the use of this system outside of CompatibleOne, we developed a complete monitoring system, which is now in use in IN2P3 data center. To make our tests and developments, we specified, bought, installed and deployed our cluster of 12 nodes. Finally, we participated in international manifestations like SuperComputing 2011 (Poster and demonstration on INRIA booth), Cloud and Green Computing 2011[46] .

FSN Magellan Project

Participants : Laurent Lefèvre, Jean-Patrick Gelas.

The project Magellan has been accepted in December 2011. The official beginning will be mid-february 2012.


Participants : Paulo Gonçalves, Matthieu Imbert, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Ashley Chonka.

This ANR (Appel Blanc International) started in october 2009 and will end in september 2012. It is a collaborative project between the GIPSA Lab (Grenoble), MOAIS (INRIA Grenoble), RESO (INRIA Grenoble), the University of Osaka (the Cybermedia Center and the Department of Information Networking) and the University of Kyoto (Visualization Laboratory).

We aim at proposing network solutions to guarantee the Quality of Service (in terms of reliability level and of transfer delay properties) of a high speed, long-distance connection used in an interactive, high performance computing application. Another specificity of this application is the peta-scale volume of the treated data corresponding to the upper airway flow modeling.



Participant : Paulo Gonçalves.

Started in october 2008, this ANR project, leaded by J. Barral (Univ. Paris 13), is a partnership between INRIA (Sisyphe and Reso), university of Paris 12 and Paris 13 and Paris Sud (équipe d'accueil EA 4046 Service de Réanimation Médicale CHU de Bicêtre).

Its main objective is to develop advanced multifractal analysis tools, from mathematically ground results to efficient estimators. We apply these methods to the analysis, to the modeling and to the classification (for non invasive diagnoses) of cardio-vascular systems.
