Section: Dissemination
Animation of the scientific community
Examination Committees
Stéphane Ducasse was in the examination committee of the following PhD theses:
Package Dependencies Analysis and Remediation in Object-Oriented Systems, Jannik Laval, University of Lille-1, France. 17/06/11 (advisor).
Analyse et optimisation de patterns de code, Rim CHAABANE, University Paris VIII, France. 14/09/2011 (reporter)
Nicolas Anquetil was in the examination committee of the following PhD theses:
Package Dependencies Analysis and Remediation in Object-Oriented Systems, Jannik Laval, University of Lille-1, France. 17/06/11 (co-advisor).
Analyse et optimisation de patterns de code, Rim CHAABANE, University Paris VIII, France. 14/09/2011
Scientific Community Animation
Stéphane Ducasse has been/is :
Associate Editor of JOT (Journal of Object Technology).
Reviewer for the following journals:
Member of the following committees:
Nicolas Anquetil was :
Reviewer for the following journals:
Member of the following committees:
Co-organizer for the Journées nationales IDM, CAL, and GDR/GPL (June 2011).
Marcus Denker has been/is :
PC Member ICSE 2012 Tool Demonstration (International Conference on Software Engineering)
PC Member Varicomp 2011 (2nd International Workshop on Variability and Composition)
PC Member AOSD 2011 (9th Annual Aspect-Oriented Software Development Conference)
PC Member RAM-SE 2011 (ECOOP Workshop on Reflection, AOP, and Meta-Data for Software Evolution)
PC Member IWST 2011 (ESUG International Smalltalk Workshop)
Reviewer TOOLS 2011 (International Conference Objects, Models, Components, Patterns)
Damien Pollet has been/is :