Project Team Runtime

Scientific Foundations
Application Domains
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Project Team Runtime

Scientific Foundations
Application Domains
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Hardware topology-aware MPI applications

Participants : Emmanuel Jeannot, Guillaume Mercier, François Tessier.

  • We have expanded our previous work dealing with MPI process placement. Indeed, our approach relied on tools and techniques which were outside the scope of the MPI standard itself. In order to allow the users to utilize our work in a portable way, we enhanced some routines of the MPI standard. We worked mainly with the MPICH2 implementation but we are also working on an Open MPI version as well.

  • Instead of modifying the binding of the MPI processes onto the physical cores on the underlying architecture, we chose to create a new communicator for which the logical topology organization is optimized for the hardware. This work has been published in [37] and show interesting performance improvements for some class of MPI applications.

  • The problem of process placement, which can be reduced to a NP-hard graph partitionning problem, can be dealt with several famous applications like Scotch or ParMETIS. To evaluate these solution with TreeMatch , we ran several benchmarks using NAS Parellel Benchmarks and a real CFD application. On the one hand we study the quality of processes permutation (which will impact the execution time) and on the other hand the computation time of the permutation. These results will allow us to conclude about the pertinence of what graph partitioner can be used to bind processes on process units or to do a dynamic processes reordering