Project Team Runtime

Scientific Foundations
Application Domains
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Project Team Runtime

Scientific Foundations
Application Domains
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Overall Objectives

Designing Efficient Runtime Systems

parallel,runtime,environment,heterogeneity,SMP,multicore,NUMA,HPC,high-speed networks,protocols,MPI,schedulin g,thread,OpenMP,compiler optimizations

The Runtime research project takes place within the context of high-performance computing. It seeks to explore the design, the implementation and the evaluation of novel mechanisms needed by runtime systems for parallel computers. Runtime systems are intermediate software layers providing parallel programming environments with specific functionalities left unaddressed by the underlying operating system. Runtime systems can thus be seen as functional extensions of operating systems, but the boundary between them is rather fuzzy since runtime systems may actually contain specific extensions/enhancements to the underlying operating system (e.g. extensions to the OS thread scheduler). The increasing complexity of modern parallel hardware, making it more and more necessary to postpone essential decisions and actions (scheduling, optimizations) at run time, emphasizes the role of runtime systems.

One of the main challenges encountered when designing modern runtime systems is to provide powerful abstractions, both at the programming interface level and at the implementation level, to deal with the increasing complexity of upcoming hardware architectures. While it is essential to understand – and somehow anticipate – the evolutions of hardware technologies (e.g. programmable network interface cards, multicore architectures, hardware accelerators), the most delicate task is to extract models and abstractions that will fit most of upcoming hardware features.

The originality of the runtime group lies in the fact that we address all these issues following a global approach, so as to propose complementary solutions to problems which may not seem to be linked at first sight. We actually realized, for instance, that we could greatly improve our communication optimization techniques by increasing the functionalities of the underlying core thread scheduler. This illustrates why most of our research efforts have consisted in cross-studying different topics, and have led to co-designing many software.

Our research project centers on three main directions:

Mastering large, hierarchical multiprocessor machines
  • Thread scheduling over multicore machines

  • Data management over NUMA architectures

  • Task scheduling over GPU heterogeneous machines

  • Exploring parallelism orchestration at compiler and runtime level

  • Improved interactions between optimizing compiler and runtime

Optimizing communication over high performance clusters
  • Scheduling data packets over high speed networks

  • New MPI implementations for Petascale computers

  • Optimized intra-node communication

  • understand network topology and application communication pattern to optimize process placement

Integrating Communications and Multithreading
  • Parallel, event-driven communication libraries

  • Communication and I/O within large multicore nodes

Beside those main research topics, we obviously intend to work in collaboration with other research teams in order to validate our achievements by integrating our results into larger software environments (MPI, OpenMP) and to join our efforts to solve complex problems.

Among the target environments, we intend to carry on developing the successor to the PM 2 software suite, which would be a kind of technological showcase to validate our new concepts on real applications through both academic and industrial collaborations (CEA/DAM, Bull, IFP, Total, Exascale Research Lab.). We also plan to port standard environments and libraries (which might be a slightly sub-optimal way of using our platform) by proposing extensions (as we already did for MPI and Pthreads) in order to ensure a much wider spreading of our work and thus to get more important feedback.

Finally, as most of our work proposed is intended to be used as a foundation for environments and programming tools exploiting large scale, high performance computing platforms, we definitely need to address the numerous scalability issues related to the huge number of cores and the deep hierarchy of memory, I/O and communication links.