Project Team Runtime

Scientific Foundations
Application Domains
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Project Team Runtime

Scientific Foundations
Application Domains
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Parallel Concha

Participants : Olivier Aumage, Marie-Christine Counilh.

  • Within the ADT Ampli project, we contributed to the Concha CFD library developed by R. Becker's Inria Team Concha in Pau. Together with R. Becker, E. Bergounioux and D. Trujillo from Concha Team, and François Rue from SED Bordeaux we designed and experimented with the MPI parallelization and the hybrid MPI+OpenMP parallelization of the library.

  • The MPI parallelization is now finalized. The OpenMP level has been successfully tested on the Vanka smoother and is now being spread in the library. We will thus continue to contribute to this parallelization work, in particular with respect to the support of 3D simulation cases.