Project Team Runtime

Scientific Foundations
Application Domains
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Project Team Runtime

Scientific Foundations
Application Domains
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Virtualization of GPUs for OpenCL

Participants : Sylvain Henry, Alexandre Denis, Denis Barthou.

  • We propose a new approach for OpenCL programming, using a unique virtual accelerator instead of using the physical accelerator. Placement on the real hardware is handled by the runtime instead of the user, improving productivity and performance scalability. This proposition relies on OpenCL standard but changes the way its API is used.

  • We have shown on some simple examples how this approach, using StarPU as a runtime, enables executions with a better load balance and performance. We are working on how to generalize this to more complex benchmarks. This work has been presented in Renpar[42] workshop.